Saturday 29 December 2018

In between

New cast on
 Will and mummy made us a tree decoration
 Too many edible gifts
 BUT nice tins
I cast on a for a new pair of socks, got as far as the heel, this yarn splits very easily and looks messy,  I unpicked once and got to the heel again, but it's really hard work, so I unpicked and packed the yarn away. I also noticed it was the same shades as other yarns I have, so for socks I need to be more adventurous in my colour choice. Hubby wore his hand made socks on Christmas day and was very pleased with them, so I have promised to make another pair for him, plus my brother hinted, and as I am a good sister, I will make him a pair.
We have far too many biscuits and sweets, I have packed loads away, they should last us well into the summer. We do not eat many biscuits, and if I leave the tins in our food cupboard, they would be opened just because they are there. The Christmas cake has been cut, brother took a huge bit home with him.
We are doing nothing here, walking, watching TV, I am catching up with series 1 & 2 of In the line of duty,  outside is just so dull, but at least it's staying dry. I have got my ripple blanket back out, I have finished another round of colours, photos next time, so not much more to do. My brother is driving home to Somerset, so back to just the two of us.


  1. Yes lovely tins Marlene, very nice to keep. It's lovely and sunny here and quite mild, just in time for your brother to come back! I'm so looking forward to Spring, hate this in between period.

  2. A lovely tree decoration made by Will and Mummy, that'll be so lovely to bring out each year.
    I've never used Debbie Bliss yarn for socks.
    DH and I had a walk today, the sun made an appearance, the first for many days.

  3. We had dinner guests last night and for desert I got rid of all my edible gifts. They really seemed to enjoy them!

  4. That's a lovely tree decoration made by Will and Mummy :)

    Yes, the tins have so many attractive deigns - just enjoy what's in them in small quantities!

    All the best Jan
