Thursday 12 April 2018

New life

Our Magnolia tree is catching up, loving the blue sky
 Acer with loads of colour
 Blooms on my 1st blueberry bush
 50p tomato plant looking really healthy and has grown loads
 Lettuce seeds on tea bags, 
I read teabags are very good for starting off seeds and I do like a challenge.
I spent a couple hours outside yesterday afternoon, it was sunny and warm, I had our patio doors open, both cats followed me out and lay close by as I pottered. I am trying to grow seeds on teabags, inside the bag has everything a seed requires to grow, plus after having the boiling water poured over the bag is sterile. Lots of my home started things are in bud, my kiwi and walnut tree's, I have a new clematis growing from a cutting taken last year, all 12 of my violet cuttings are now planted around the garden. I have coleus cuttings growing, they won't be planted until next month. 
I am very please our Magnolia is now catching up, we had it cut back last year, then twice the cold snowy weather burnt the buds, I was a bit worried it would all be too much for the tree. We have it trimmed every 2/3 years, our garden is small and the tree is a lovely size, we are keen to keep it looking so good.
Hubby has booked two night's away for our campervan next week, the fore caste is very good, we are going to the New Forest, the first two sites did not have hard standing, so we could not book the van in, so we are returning to a site we visited last year, which has hard standings. Our plan is to take our cycles.
I sat and knitted last night, the second sleeve has grown quickly and should be attached to the yoke when I next pick it up, I can see the finish line so I am keen to knit at the moment.


  1. So that's where the sun is. We had a horrible dull, drizzly day yesterday and it's the same again today. Your magnolia should be in bloom soon, there's one in the communal grounds where my parents live and it's at about the same stage as yours.

  2. Lovely photos. My blueberry needs to up in a pot by itself I think it would do better. Never heard of the tea bag thing.

  3. Your garden is well in front of ours, our daffs have only just come out and no tulips at all at the moment. We are still having lots of rain, it's more like an Autumn day her today so still no real chance of getting out to do much of anything. Hopefully that will change next week (or so i hear). Good luck with the lettuce seeds, i've never heard of growing seeds that way. x

  4. Lots of colour in your garden to admire. I've never heard of using teabags as mini growbags before, clever idea. We've had gorgeous sunshine today too, I went down to Padstow with my friend today it was lovely there but already starting to get busy now the holiday season has started.

  5. I love magnolia trees, Marlene. I grow the small Little Gems here in my garden but I love to see the big magnolias in bloom at our Botanic Gardens. Just beautiful flowers! Meg:)

  6. Oh, I just had to stop by your blog.
    Beautiful blooms on the magnolia and what a blue sky!

    All the best Jan

  7. Look forward to reading about your campervan adventures-it’s years since we were in the New Forest area. You have green fingers that’s for sure and the teabag idea is certainly worth a try. Hope the weather continues to improve for the garden anf for your trip.

  8. I've not heard of growing seeds on tea bags... will have to mention that to DH and see if anyone at the community garden wants to try and test it.
