Wednesday 11 April 2018

All crafts

I have reached the center
now I will work outwards in each colour
working with 1 strand makes loads of neat little 'X's
First sleeve is finished, I knitted it longer than the pattern which was more a 3/4 sleeve, it's going to be a warm jumper, so a full length sleeve I feel is better. I am loving this design, which I have changed just a bit so it's unique to me. 
 The castoff for the sleeve and the gap in the jumper is 8 stitches
 I have to fit the sleeve in the gap, this first row to attach the sleeve to the yolk has been very difficult, knitting 63 stitches in such a small gap, I had to use my four double ended needles to give me room to knit. It will get better as the jumper grows. 
I have an idea for this fabric, it was purchased last year to use in Will's room, but mummy is not keen on the design.
 I have pulled out loads of fabrics, plain and with designs, 
I can see a mega sewing day 
I did plan to sew yesterday afternoon, but a knock on my door just before 11am sent me into tail spin, Gwen asking if she could park on my drive for sign language class, I had totally forgotten there was a class this week, I knew they started back on 10th April, but did not realise the date. So the fastest get ready for class ever. I had got up early and was having a good cleaning day, so most of the house is now clean.
I did sort and cut out some of the above material, hopefully I will have time to stitch later today.
We had Will on a sleep over Saturday night, he is a good boy to go to bed and is always happy in the morning, we both enjoy playing with our youngest grand son. Sunday afternoon was a lazy affair, just hubby and me.
Monday I had Will as normal, mummy thought I would not want him, but I do enjoy our play day, I had changed all our furniture around in the sitting room, to our summer layout, which confused him but Will loved the extra space, he is now really quick on his little scuttle bug bike.
Hubby has been away for two days, so I have had plenty of me time, which I enjoy, I don't bother with big meals, I snack alot but on healthy foods, and do loads of things hubby is not keen on.
Today hubby is driving for most of the day, if it stays dry I hope to have some time outside, later it should be sewing time. it's so nice to get up to blue skies.


  1. Your projects are coming along nicely, it's good to have a variety of things to work on as the mood takes you. I don't mind having time on my own either, I have plenty of things to occupy my time and never get bored.

  2. Oh my goodness I bet that knock on the door put you in a bit of a tail spin but sounds like you coped admirably. I do enjoy having time on my own to do the things that D isn't interested in and it means I get to catch up on programmes I have missed in the week in peace. I also find I get the housework done a lot quicker when D isn't there suggesting we stop for a cuppa every five minutes. I know it should be quicker with the two of us but quite honestly it's not. Enjoy your time with little Will.

    Mitzi x

  3. The jumper does look lovely and cosy.
