Tuesday 2 August 2016

Stitch, read-read & grow

It is about time I showed some stitching
I have a few flowers in July to finish
loving the dog, I have changed a few colours on these two designs.
 Just finished this lovely book, another very good read
it was great to have stay at home time for reading some of last week. 
I have read loads of this authors books and other than one I have enjoyed them all
 I hope to start this later tonight
it's the third and final book in the set.
Another author which I am loving. 
 My mystery plant was a bleeding heart, with pretty white flowers. 
In the cottage garden, I'm loving the mix of colours
 My chimney pot at the back of the garden is now blooming
the fuchsia is very pretty, plus 2 begonia's bursting into life 
It has turned cold here and wet, but our gardens really do need the rain, everything is looking much better. Hubby has weeded the lawn and is now building up bare patches.
Hubby is now allowed to drive after his shoulder operation, but still has to wait at least 12 weeks before he can play golf or use his motorbike, I do feel for him, he does love his two games of golf each week, I'm pleased to see him using his arm so freely.
I'm back at work, they have had a reshuffle and one person left last Friday, we are all in shock, because we thought the lady was the safest in her role. Oh well you never know what your bosses are thinking, everyone in our department is rather quiet, I was glad to be on holiday whilst the changes were going on.
I am really enjoying our youngest daughter being so happy, expecting her first child in February is very exciting. I am looking to make a few things, she is very interested in baby shoes, so I have loads of patterns found and once I know if I am to make pink or blue shoes I will be busy.
Not had my sewing machine out this week, hope to find time next weekend.


  1. COngratulations on your soon to be new grandbaby :)

    Tell your hubby I feel for him. I am still amazed at how tired I get from doing what I would consider nothing :(

  2. Congratulations on your new grandchild arriving in February! There will be an additional grandchild for me in February too!
