Friday 5 August 2016

Fur and Feathers

Friday finish at 3pm, saw me sat in the garden
we had loads of visitors

 Using my long lens
 We have moved the feeder to a nice safe spot
this guy sat here for ages
It was lovely to sit and watch wildlife in our own garden, our cats were good and stayed away from the back end of the garden and the birds. Drinking coffee in the hot sunshine, anyone would think it was August.
Tomorrow we have a BBQ planned from about 2ish, friends and neighbours all popping in, should be loads of fun and with our garden looking so good, it will be an enjoyment to spend tomorrow outside, we are planning loads of shade to ensure we don't over heat.
Sunday will be in two parts, I need to get a new swim suit for our holiday in September, we are jetting off again. Later I will stitching the legs of 3 pairs of jeans into 12 long straps, I will do a post with photo's and should have a use full item at the end.
Now I'm off to spend a lovely evening with lovely hubby, enjoy the sunshine while it last.


  1. It sounds like you've made the most of the late afternoon after work and have a lovely day planned for tomorrow too. You're lucky that the birds still visit your garden having Grace and Purdy, they sometimes realise that cats are around and stay well clear.

  2. A perfect way to spend the afternoon, enjoy the BBQ as well x

  3. How nice to spend some quiet time watching the birds. Enjoy your bbq, I have promised myself I'll spend some time in the garden this weekend.

  4. It has been so hot here, and we are in the midst of a severe drought. This last month all we have done is sit inside in the air conditioning. I miss sitting on the front porch enjoying the squirrels and birds that stop by.

    Both Purdy and Grace look like they are concentrating on something.

  5. That would be my kind of afternoon or day!
