Thursday 4 April 2013

Out and about

 Today it's still half term, so Joshy, Sam and mummy took nanna to Milestones an indoor museum about an hours drive away. The boys come here often, but it's the first time for me. I walked around with Sammy, who loved all the old trucks, cars and bikes. This reminds me of the flatbed lorry my dad drove when I was a child, he delivered sacks of flour to local bakeries every day.

Josh was more interested on the Lego on display here, and allowed a photo, but then it is a very cool Star Wars figure, sorry as a nanna I should know who this is. But we had fun for hours, a simple walk through our  past.
 The Lego Olympic stadium was very good, 
we saw three rabbits in the crowd, and loads of other silly things.
 The Lego church was wonderful, very real looking. 
 It was a very nice day out and being inside we were away from the cold, it was snowing when we came out. I really would like to go back again and have more time to look, I forgot my camera so I did not take as many photo's as I would have liked. But looking through children's eyes makes the visit very interesting.
 Above is my latest crochet circle, I have played a bit, but it is much neater, so I am pleased, I used a much thinner cotton this time.
Below I have stitched the last heart in black, and I am showing it last, because Paula, knows my posts but my photo's I am of course the queen of hearts. I have not done much else on the stitching front, I have been tired most days.
I do have a clean house and if the weather would get warmer I would have a nice garden, the cold weather has burnt the buds on our magnolia  tree, so I am not sure if they will flower. So most of my time is spent inside.

I got a nice message from an old work mate this morning, my replacement started yesterday, but resigned this morning via e-mail, says alot.

Tomorrow grace is off to the vets for her check up, and then I have a day at home, hope to catch up with a few friends, then another weekend at home.

Both my books are now ready for printing, but I am happy to wait to see if they e-mail another discount, their discounts enables me to get the best quality paper at a reasonable price.


  1. I know you told me before but how/where do you get your books printed? It is such a neat idea.

    I need to get my cross stitching out, I think. A friends' daughter's baby has been born and I had made a special baby gift for her, when I found out they were going through the adoption process, and now that the baby is here, I can't find it!

    Isn't that always the way? I have one more place to look and if it isn't there . . the linen, thread, hoop and needle will have to come out :(

  2. What a lovely day out.
    your crochet looks super
    I hope your magnolia does flower, they are always so pretty when in bloom
    Oh dear ... perhaps the boss will get the message and realise what a treasure you were.
