Monday 1 April 2013

All round post

 It's so very dull here weather wise, not raining but cold and grey, not at all like Easter should be. Yesterday was the first day of spring, our magnolia tree is full of buds, but they are not opening, I do hope the cold spell does not stop them from flowering.

I am doing a quickie, I love these colour's I have one heart to do at the bottom and I will use a different colour, not sure possible yellow. It's a bit small so I will have a go at adding more design. It looks good stitching shades of pink on a pink background.

 Fliss came over yesterday, she had the evening on her own and spent it with me, Fliss is very good at crochet and I had instruction all evening. Loads of tips and help, Fliss tried a new knitting pattern so we were both very creative. Sorry I forgot to take photo's of Fliss's work.
 This is my 1st pot, I have just two ends to sew in, showing me how to crochet in the ends of different colours, made doing stripes easier, it is very pleasing to make something other than granny squares. The colour's are not me, but I had them in my stash, free from a magazine.
 I have tried to do rounds before, but they are never flat and the joins were so very poor, I am pleased with my bottom, the side is not so great, but for me a vast improvement. I will do another pot to see if I can get things neater, improvements before our next session.
It's a bank holiday here, so another day together, we have nothing planned, it's to cold for gardening, and no jobs to do inside. Sam and Josh are still at Grandma's, so we hope to go for a walk later to our local castle.

I have been creating a new miniature house pop here to see my progress.


  1. Love the heart of hearts!

  2. The hearts look so very pretty.
    Congrats on the crochet, it looks great.

  3. I knew it was you before I read whose blog it was . . Miss Queen of Hearts.

    Keep working on rounds . . join two together to make a potholder . . you will get it burnt into your mind. Just like me . . then the next one will look like a 2 year old made it . . LOLOL
