Saturday 22 December 2012

Nothing says Christmas like....

 our grandsons, 
last weekend we had both Josh and Sammy for Sunday afternoon, Sammy loves hats and loved this soft Micky Mouse Santa hat. He also loved the wooden toys hanging on our internal door handles, pull the string and his limbs move.
 Joshy is more grown up, playing with the Bob the builder trucks, which are for Sammy, no one is ever to old for Bob the builder.  We had loads of laughter and fun, we miss Logan who is 3 hours drive away.
I am sat here listening to Christmas music sung by a Welsh Male Choir, they sound wonderful, but I am still not very festive. This morning I cleaned my clean house from top to bottom, just in case, I do it every year the weekend before Christmas.

Yesterday at work we all had a nice surprise, the owner of the company decided not to open on Christmas eve, and gave us all an extra day off, we are not seasonal, and most of our trading companies finished yesterday.  Which was a wonderful gesture to all of us, so I have an extra day off, all my Christmas shopping has been done. we have also got every thing we require for Spain.

The rest of today is home together. Tomorrow morning we are out and in the afternoon we will see Sammy, Joshy and mummy. We have also got the boys at 5pm on Christmas Eve, we plan to drive them around to see all the Christmas lights, home for cookies and hot chocolate, they will open their presents if there are no plans to get together on Christmas morning, and then another long drive home to see more lights.

We have loads of rain here, but it's not cold, we are safe from flooding, so a snuggly evening in together.


  1. Children do make Christmas so special. Glad you are enjoying some quality time. We flew home to Canada and Srebrenica spending the holidays with our grandsons. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  2. Your grandsons look lovely and I do like the santa hat. I don't feel Christmassy either and like you I clean the house from top to bottom. Lucky you getting an extra day off - enjoy and I do hope you have a good Christmas x
