Saturday 15 December 2012

It's a lot like Christmas

 I love this, it's years old, 
but I have put it on my dining room wall, 
I also have my ingredients for Christmas up, as seen here
below is my table decoration, I have made it the same as last year.
 I love these figures, they came from Spain 
I have them out every year, 
this year I have put all my small trees with them and the Santa, 
not sure where he came from. 
 I have purchased a new CD, 
I love Christmas hits and love the old 50's and 60's 
this Phil Spector CD is great, 
very much like the music from The Gremlins, so I am playing it loud.
 I have done no stitching for weeks
 But I did knit my 1st tree decoration, 
made with 4 needles, very fiddly, 
but not bad for an evenings work. 
I will make some more, they look fun.
It does sound as if I am full of Christmas, but it's just a show, after 5 weeks of doing two peoples work in a very busy office, I am tired, and counting down the days to a break. We have done all the present shopping, but my hearts not in it.

I have family problems with unhappy daughters, one with real problems, I feel for both of them, and all I can do is watch and be there should they need me.

My one beacon of light is hubby, what would I be without him.

And to everyone in America, we feel your pain as well, beautiful sweet little children, and an act so violent, life can be so hard at times, we all cry together.


  1. Marlene your decorations as always look lovely. I hope you enjoy your break. It's nice to see you post again.

  2. LOVE the first photo . . . reminds me of ones I saw years ago.

    I read the last post on "Joshy and Belle" so I knew things weren't any better.

    Enjoy your Christmas with the boys . . they always bring sparkle into your life :)

  3. Hello Marlene,
    Everything looks so nice. For your first knitting project you did a very nice job!
    Many hugs and kisses, Conny

  4. I'm going to look out for this CD for my collection next year. It always amazes me the variety available for Christmas music and I love watching my collection grow.
