Saturday 6 August 2011

Is this a finish

 I have finished the cross stitch in the top panel of the sampler

I have still loads to  do on this sampler, but the amount of stitching which went into this section, makes me feel it's a finish,  and I am so pleased with it. I love the colours, the pattern and just everything about it. The pattern details are here   Fliss has taken the colours and the pattern details, she wants to make a mobile phone cover.

 It fills the top, between my two patchwork corners, I have some back stitching to do, my date of birth and place of birth, but like the granchildren's details, I will do them later, using all the same style of lettering.
I have planned and marked out the bottom panel, I am going to put "2011" which is the name of my sampler and the year in which I stitched it. I have also been marking up the left hand side panel, I am going to put there three tumbling hearts, the main heart with have 25 years and the date of our marriage.

I have decided not to feel guilty about doing nothing on Winter Watergarden, I now know I'm not a rotation stitcher, once I am into my work, I'm best left to finish one thing at  a time, unless a small quickie comes along.

Have a good weekend.


  1. This top panel is beautiful! The flower looks so real, like you took a photo of it. Are you stitching this whole sampler over one? I hope your teeth are feeling better by now.

  2. such a scrumptious sampler.
