Saturday 29 June 2024

June round up

 Another month of spending in the garden, mainly the last few plants, I did get a huge bag of bark and some slug pellets for the flower beds. No crafting spend.

The bottom line is my half year figures, which shows the extent of my garden spend, I'm not going to hang my head in shame, it is what it is, as I have always said, these list are not about saving money, just for me to look back and see how I spend my money. Each box has a red triangle in the corner, which note I have inserted comments, which when I look, tells me in detail what I have spent. 

I did get a not needed pair of sandals, these days if I see a style I like I will get them, I do have enough sandals to last me many summers. 

We had an extra expense for the new kitchen floor, it should have been replaced months ago, but I could not see a design I liked, in the end, we chose the best to match, it does look good down.

As always no waste, we did have visitors, but we planned and shopped well, we did the same before our weekend away, ensuring anything left in the fridge would be OK when we got back. 

I have managed to keep the weight off, I have not lost any more, my steps are over 7,000 each day, even on wet days, so I count that as a win. Whilst my weight is similar as last month, I have noticed my waiste is slimmer, I'm wearing trousers which I've not worn for a few years, which is a joy.


  1. You are very organised.
    I keep a spreadsheet for income, just to make the tax return easier, but don't keep a record of spending. I daren't!!!

    1. This is solely for me, I don't show hubby, but he does have an idea how much I spend.

  2. It's good to see where the money goes. It's well spent and gives you pleasure, so why not?

  3. The garden gives you so much pleasure, so it's worth every penny.

  4. Hard to realise we are already half way through 2024. It seems to have gone by really quickly. Congratulations on your slimming down! That is a great achievement :)

  5. Ugh - you're almost a role model for me. I tend not to calculate, but I only buy what I need.
    And I buy a 25 kg bag of rye grains from the farmer twice a year and bake my own bread with it... simply because it tastes so good and I enjoy making it myself. When I see how expensive bread has become, it's a good thing.
    It's great that you go for a walk every day... I do it too... it's so good.
    Viola sends you a happy greeting.
    p.s. nothing spent on sewing - wow

    1. I am trying to use my stash for crafting, I don't have huge amounts, but I want to use some of it before adding more.

  6. It's good to keep a check on where the money is spent.
    Your garden looks lovely. It's worth every penny and the time and enjoyment you get from it.

    All the best Jan

  7. You can tell where you spend the summer months, haha.

    1. My tan on my arms and legs give it away as well.

  8. Replies
    1. I got a huge bag from B&Q at a good price, I've used it before and happy with the contents.

  9. Well done for keeping the weight off and reducing your waistline.
