Friday 28 June 2024

In a heatwave

These are stunning, astrantia, a delicate looking bloom, which are lasting a long time, perfect for the square bed with the cottage look.  
This is what gardening is all about, results of your hard work
healthy plants filling your space. 
White stands out as it should, dramatic plants. 
Another pop of colour, begonias are a love of mine, these plants are years old, soon this table and chairs will be white again, we are getting it dipped and powder coated.
Another great book, I do love this author, this time a stand alone book, still with a medical background, another riveting plot, which I guessed what was going on, but how would it be sorted, what happens to a whistle blower. Book 38 read this year.

It's been hot, so we are inside alot, which for now means reading, I have not done any crafting for a while, I have loads of plans, but they are for another time. TV is not on much, we did watch Sewing Bee, children's week. I have not done anything on my 2023 book, just me being lazy.
We had loads of fun with Molly, she is very bright for her age and full of energy, we stayed inside, it was too hot outside. She is very much like my daughter was at that age, it feels as if we have another chance of the joy. Daughter came back happy from the meeting, so far all the things promised for George is happening, we know through other parents this is not always the case, rarely the fault of the school.

Thursday was a day at home, at bit cooler, so I did some housework, I popped to daughters at tea time, it was parents evening for Will, she now knows all about his new class and teacher, ready for September. 

Today I'm having an afternoon with George and Molly at their house, they can play with their own toys, I'm hoping it's cool enough to be outside, if it is I might take them to the park. 


  1. A lovely floral display. They are a credit to you.

    1. Thank you, sadly the veg side is not so great, but it's the first year and the garden needs to find it's balance.

  2. The astrantia are beautiful. White is so good in the evening and attracts moths.
    Nice to hear that things are settled for September.

  3. Your flowers look beautiful, such lovely colour.

    All the best Jan

  4. Such gorgeous flowers. Hopefully the veg side of the garden takes off soon.

    God bless.

  5. They are all so beautiful, Marlene. And I also love seeing your garden photographs on Instagram. Do the grandchildren enjoy looking at all the flowers when they come to visit? X

    1. George loves the flowers, he sniffs them all the time, Molly loves touching the herbs and smelling her hand. All three love to check to see if we have any ripe fruits. I have recently purchased garden gloves for both of the little ones

  6. Everything is looking good in your garden. You worked hard to get it like that.
