Friday 17 May 2024

New this season

We are both extremely happy with our water feature, both in the look and the cost, we did not want to run electric to a pump, preferring not to see wires. This was sold as a firepit, I thought it would look good with water in, the stones I already had, pre-used on pots as a decorative top layer. The pump has black net around it and is tied underneath, with a stone placed to anchor it to the middle spot.
I saw this idea from a gardener I follow on Instagram, his pot was bigger than this, I wanted to use a pot we already had, already the middle plant is giving off babies, hubby loves these succulents, this pot is on our metal table, which allows good drainage, and will stay outside all summer.  
I got theses plant frames online, they were not as sturdy as I expected, hubby has tied them together, there are three here, this should give extra support for this climbing rose. In front is my pomegranate plant grown from a pip, I cut it back last year as it was getting woody, now it looks fantastic.  
Why are cloches so expensive, I have been looking for metal ones, but won't pay the ridiculous prices, I have nets but it's can be a bit of a faf to get them into place. In B&M this week I saw these, food protectors, 2 for £4,  not as tall as I would like but they work, I have a smaller one protecting my french bean plant. 
I have a few huge pots which needs digging out, I struggle to loose the sides from the pot, my garden knife is neither long or strong enough for the task. I have been hankering after one of these Hori hori knives for a couple of years, hubby went online and sneakily got the one I wanted, I am one happy wife and gardener. 

Everywhere feels so good when the sun is shining, I'm outside most days, I have potted on all my seedlings, mainly flowers and a few herbs, other plants are in the ground, I have re-sown my peas, the pigeons nibbled them back to the ground, I have used a different pot, and placed in an area we can see. In the other pot I will plant a courgette, not my favourite veg, hopefully home grown will make me love them again. I moved both hosta's down to our seating area, I have a spot which is in shade most of the day, once the flowers are over I will move them to the back of the garden and put a begonia there. 

We popped to our local town, just a few decent shops left, TK Max, Next, B&M and Waterstones, we don't normally go on a wander around and get bits and pieces, but it was fun for a change, we had lunch out, very brave after our last 10 days. I dropped off a birthday gift to a friend, we had a lovely drive along the water front, Stokes bay and Lee on the Solent, beautiful blue skies, it was nice just to slowly drive through, we do live in a wonderful part of the country. 

Thank you for all your recent comments, May is a challenging month, 1st Monday of month, we said goodbye to Grace, 2nd Monday sat talking to doctor, hubby's kidney failure, very scary, 3rd Monday, sat in garden in sunshine, wondering what the hell we have been through. I've always bounced back, I hear my mum's voice in my head, 'get on with it', but for once I needed time to reflect and process everything. 


  1. I like the measurements Mark's on the knife. I always carry a knife around the garden and smallholding with me. They are very useful.

  2. Sounds like you've both had a horrible month. Glad you are both on the mend. Nice surprise by hubby to buy you the knife. Hope the rest of May is much better for you both.

  3. Just catching up - sorry to read that you have both been poorly. Hope that you both are feeling better especially hubby. Love the water feature, what a great idea.

  4. There are some times when nothing seems to go right. Fingers crossed that you've come to the end of your difficult period and that things begin to look up.

  5. Sorry to hear of your health issues. Hope that is all sorted out now and you are both OK?
    Love your water feature, and that knife is a beauty!

  6. You've certainly had a challenging month, let's hope things go more smoothly now.
    That drive along the waterfront at Stokes bay and Lee on the Solent, sounds lovely.

    Wishing you a relaxing weekend.

    All the best Jan

  7. What a cool water feature. I love it. The knife will certainly help you in the garden. I am sorry that health problems are occurring now.

    God bless.

  8. Love your new water feature - what a great idea :)

  9. I love the water feature. What a clever idea. I had to fight to get an overgrown water plant out of its container recently. I found a long handled screwdriver worked well and I won that battle!
