Wednesday 15 May 2024

Gentle times

My pond section is becoming really colourful, with aquatic and rockery plants, I wanted this area to look lovely and be able to look after it's self. I think of it as Grace's pond, she loved to drink from here, always preferring rain water.
My hosta's is almost there, 2 huge flower heads coming, excuse the mess behind, everything gets moved to this working end of the garden.
I can't remember the name of this tiny flower, it does need dead heading, very pretty in the small pot, there are loads of buds forming, so plenty of flowers to come. 
So many blooms returning, I love this rose, the buds are very dark and they lighten as they open, this bloom has a yellow streak. My mum's peony, stunning colour. Lupins are throwing up flower stalks, I have no idea what colour these will be. 
Some of the best flowers are on fruit, herbs and veg, here, Strawberry, Rosemary and a cucumber plant.

The past few days have been about rest, calm and gentle times, the opposite to how the rest of year has been. The house is clean, I did top to bottom when hubby was in hospital, the garden jobs neglected, I've been exhausted too many times in the last few months. Meals are simple, using what we had at home, I think my mind has to heal as well as my body. We have a simple rewarding retirement together, which was shattered so quickly, frightening swift the changes. 


  1. I hope things will be calmer for you now and you can relax a little.
    Your garden is rewarding you for your hard work - it looks lovely.

  2. Is the orange tiny flower a Geum?

    1. Just found the label, you are correct it's a geurm

  3. Hi Marlene, just been catching up on your posts. You are both deserving of a few days 'off,' and taking things a bit easier. Hugz, Mxx

  4. I think your garden is looking very nice, the work you have put in has definitely paid off :)

    I think you both need a few 'gentle days' to rest and recuperate and take things easy. Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  5. I didn't realise how much i needed to slow down until l came away, we all need some time out occasionally, I know you have your grandchildren a lot, as do I, it's lovely seeing them and being able to help out but it's all consuming sometimes and it starts to tell on us. Take care

  6. Such a lovely time of year for the garden, I am pleased it’s bringing you peace and calm after such a stressful time. Take care and take it easy x

  7. Beautiful! And the plant is one of my faves..a Geum!
    Take it easy and look after yourself..we aren’t always good at doing that! Your blog is a delight! 😁

  8. Our dog is the same. She prefers rain water.

  9. I've been here a while, reading back posts to find out more about you. So sorry you two have had a hard time of things lately. We just never know, do we. My hubby is almost 85 so we take each day at a time kind of now. It is vital that you both look after your mental well being as well. That is such a beautiful garden you are tending. I love the water features. I do run a bird bath that is very much enjoyed by the birds. Take care!

  10. The Geum is a lovely plant. I have several in my garden. Easy to look after and a long season of flowers. A perfect plant fpr the garden. I do hope life steers you through some calmer waters over the next few weeks and both you and your husband are able to rest up.
