Tuesday, 19 March 2019


Both books a good read, both read on my iPad. 
 In my greenhouse, my plants grown from seeds and pips are all doing well and showing signs of new season growth. I have potted up my lime plant, not shown in this photo. They are, Pomegranate, Kiwi, Cape gooseberry, Lemon and Orange plants.
 My coffee plants were overcrowding the cup I purchased them in, so I have planted the bigger ones into this huge pot and left a few in the mug. These will still stay inside for now, the root systems looked very strong. 
 My sister gave me this pink blueberry plant, which is now potted up and on my decking, behind is my other two blueberry plants, both in the same pot. 
I'm not sure if these are all going to make it, I have cut them back and will watch and hope. 
I have been given this huge pile of books
 I've started The girl you left behind, jojo moyes.
 We had Will yesterday so we spent time in the garden, it did try and rain twice, but the sun won out. I wanted to plant my pink blueberry plant and repot my coffee plants, which was done whilst Will was playing. Whilst he had his afternoon nap, I worked in the greenhouse, not much to do, just checking everything. I had put some sweet pea seeds in water before we went away, so I popped them into a deep pot, I don't have much luck growing sweet peas, but they are in the greenhouse with everything crossed they will grow.  I have more summer bulbs to plant later this week, once they have grown I can use them in any empty spaces in the garden. 
I have not done much craft, I am still really tired after our few days away, plus I picked up a cold, so I did not go to sign class, I had not learnt the rest of the hedgehog poem.
It must be garden season, I have cut my finger nails all short and stopped wearing coloured nail gel, my nails always look bad through out the garden season. I always wear gardening gloves but still manage to get my hands filthy. 


  1. Love the idea of growing plants from seeds and pips. Do they take long to germinate and do you use special compost?

    1. I used potting compost and just planted things, some work others did not, I just tried. On the right side is a list of Mt topics, click on any, ie kiwi and read what worked for me. Everything started on my desk by a sunny window and radiator

  2. You've certainly got a lot of unusual plants growing, you always seem to do so well with them. I've read The Girl You Left Behind, I really enjoyed it. You've got plenty of books there to keep you busy for a while.

  3. A great selection of books you were gifted. The Girl You Left Behind has been on my bookcase for quite a while.
    Lots of lovely spring growth in your healthy plants. DH planted some sweet pea seeds Jan 1st and left them in the geeenhouse in the cold, they are doing really well - advice from an old gardener he is trying.
