Thursday 21 February 2019

Stage 1

2nd project is off the loom
 I have worked this so the colours will match on both sides of the bag, with the burgundy at the top, the stripes won't be at the same height, that's a bit much for me to complete at this time. 
 No need to weave the ends in,
I am going to sew the sides together
 Perfect size for the heddle bars
 Few of the lines are wobbly
but I'm happy with this.
 Lining fabric, this will also be hemmed over the top edge of the weaving, so it will be visible on the finished bag.
I used 78grms of the yarn, so the cost per 100grm ball is £6.89, and the cost of the yarn used was £5.38, which I am happy with, this is never going to be about saving money, any craft using yarn is expensive.
I am now getting my sewing machine out to make the cotton liner, the bag will be straight in use, ensuring I do not damage my heddle bars or they collect dust.
I am still planning the big bag for the loom, I have the fabric, I will have to purchase some wadding to pad it out, my hope is to get it done soon.
I have been watching more youtube to get the most out of my loom, I want to weave a finer fabric, but I am holding off buying the 2nd heddle until I am sure I will use it, they are not cheap.
I have one sleeve and the bottom of Will's jumper to finish knitting, and the second sock, my jumper is on hold for now.
In my next blogs I should have a finish or 2, plus I will draw the winner of my giveaway, if you have not entered, please visit here.


  1. That is a lovely piece you have woven. When I did weaving at Art School we had so much yarn of everykind to go at as you can imagine - we never had to think about cost - a lot of it was donated from the local mills back then being in a mill town.
    Having just bought my first baby pattern for a jumper and the wool I am realising it is not a cheap hobby but a satisfying one. I have remembered so far how to cast on and do the basic rib and stocking stitch and decrease some stitches. I cannot for the life in me remember how to increase a stitch - but no doubt good old Youtube will tell me when I need to know!
    Looking forward to seeing the finished bag.

  2. I remember when it was cheaper to knit. I used to joke that I knitted everything for my kids except their nappies!! I'm still very much enjoying crochet at the moment. I feel the need for a new sleeveless vest now the weather is starting to warm up ( it got up to 13C earlier ) Your weaving looks great and I'm looking forward to seeing your finished heddle bag. Best, Jane x

  3. You put so much thought into everything you do, Marlene. The weaving is lovely and I'm sure the bag will look fantastic, it doesn't have to be perfect (although it looks pretty good to me!).

  4. A beautiful woven piece, it does looks super. Well done on mastering this new craft so well in such a short time.

  5. That's fabulous. You've picked weaving up in no time at all. The lining fabric is lovely too.

  6. I think your piece looks great.

    All the best Jan

  7. Oh my that fabric is gorgeous! That is stunning weaving.
