Wednesday 20 February 2019

Back outside

 We will soon have flowers on our Magnolia tree, 
 Our pots are leading the way

We have had a few frosty mornings, followed by sunny days, so the garden is thinking it's spring, the blooms, which are just a few on the magnolia tree are far to early, but the tree is full of buds. This happened last year and when in March the cold weather came all the buds were cold burnt, the tree was not damaged but we did not have so many flowers.
Our pots are now leading the way for colour, but there are loads of daffodils in bud. The greenhouse is doing good, I have not as yet used the heater, I don't think the overnight temperatures have dropped enough.
We are planning to move my shed, only a couple of feet back towards the neighbours new fence, in the hope we can stop any weeds or brambles growing in the space, plus I can have a bit more space in front of the shed. On a sunny day we will empty the shed, move it and I can give it a good clean.


  1. I can smell it in the air, lol

  2. The pots look lovely, I do love Spring flowers, they're so welcome after winter.

  3. The few warm, sunny days we had didn't do anything for the flowers in my garden and today the cold rain has returned. Not complaining because it's been a while since we had rain. Your pots certainly look bright and colourful. Best, Jane x

  4. Isn't it lovely to get outside, plenty of good weather forecast here for the next week on so, I am going to start sowing some seeds at the weekend. I would love a Magnolia tree one day, they are so beautiful.

  5. I have little clumps of flowering bulbs here and there, as well as my pots. So looking forward to a garden full of colour.

  6. I really, really like how you mulch your plants with gravel. Might have to borrow that idea :)

  7. Exciting times for gardeners with spring growth happening and the joys of planning for the coming season.

  8. Such nice sign of the Spring coming. We were doing quite well till last weeks blizzard hit. Now everything remembers it is still winter here.

  9. The late cold March weather last year deprived us of the flowers on the early Rhododendron as the buds got burnt with the frosts and snow and ultimately didn't open. If it happens again this year I might fleece them.

  10. I love Magnolia trees. Yours has some good looking buds, and what a glorious blue sky that is in your photograph.

    All the best Jan
