Sunday 1 February 2015

Our weekend

I did do a bit more to Skaters.
 We have been away for a couple of days, so I took just a small project, 
I will use this band on my Christmas cushion, I'm not sure how many Santa's I will need to stitch, but they are fun and easy.
 We stayed at Symonds Yat, on the river Wye, 
In a small hotel in a valley alongside the river.
It was restful, beautiful food, and just a lovely break with hubby. 
 These carvings are in the car park.
 This iron work greeted us each time we drove to the village, 
high on a wall, watching over every thing
 We had a restful time away, meeting another couple who made our evenings very interesting. We both had our camera's and the new long lens, so we spent alot of day time discovering the workings, and we both have some nice shots. We did visit Hay on Wye, a must as we both love books, I did not think there were so many book shops, there was more fashion shops than I remember. Also a pop to Ross on Wye, just a typical small town. 
No snow, just cold bright dry days, we were lucky with the weather.

Now we are home in the warm, I do not plan to do anything for the rest of the day, the irritation on my face is back, so it's sore and itchy, I still have cream left, so I'm hoping it will go down again. 

Next week is the start of my 7th year as a blogger, how quick the time rushes by, so time for a give away, as I normally do I want to say thank you for everyone who visits me. I have taken every comment made in January, there were 105, and with a random number generator, number 89 is chosen. I know who that is, but as yet I have not decided what to send as a thank you. 


  1. What an amazing day out, lovely sculptures, congratulations on seven years of bloggins, I have only been doing it since September, but I love it. x

  2. Glad you had a good weekend, and that you were lucky with the weather. Congratulations on your blog anniversary.

  3. Thank you from all of us who read and comment on your blog.

    Glad to read you had a nice time on your "time away."

    The sculptures are so interesting.

    The Santas are so cute . . . they, along with other things you have posted, make me hope that, if, one day, we have a home with a lot of natural light, I will be able to crocc stitch again.

  4. Sounds like a lovely break, I love carved wood I would ave a house full of carvings if I could, they just call out touch me :-)

  5. A very interesting post. Love the colors in your WIP.

  6. Love the projects your working on Marlene. Sounds like a fun weekend.


  7. Very interesting sculptures.
    Cute little santas.

  8. Glad you had a good weekend and your weather looked as though it stayed fine. Love the sculptures. Sewing as always is so nice.
