Monday 2 February 2015


Ready for my pots
I love Aquilegia, I have 3 different ones in the garden.
3 for £5
 Lemon and Lime are looking very health, and growing well
they are higher than the stick
these excite me, I really want to get them to fruit stage.
 My Amaryllis, two heads,
This has been beautiful and a disappointment,
Each flower has opened singularly
but each flower is stunning. 
 My Cyclamen flowers are going over, 
but I do have loads of new growth in the center.
 I have popped a couple of leave, with the African Violet in water, 
I know the violet will root, will have to see with the cyclamen.
My hyacinth did not produce any flower, just leaves, but Sam's grew and he loved seeing the roots. The Avocado is doing well, very tall and leafy, my aim is to keep it and repot it in the warmer spring and grow on in our greenhouse. I would like some time in the garden, I am itching to grow things again, roll on spring, my favorite time of year.
I have not stitched, we had an early night last night, the weekend was very busy. Later we will pop and see Su, we have our Vac for her to use, plus hubby has not seen her new furniture.
The postman has been with a parcel for me, so I'm off to see what is inside.


  1. I love to see all your plants,I might try a lemon or lime.I used to have a collection of African Violets and I used to take off the leaves and root them. When we had our own and house garden I really use to be into plants, I had house plants everywhere,I am going to get more plants for indoors and will do some pots this year , we don't want to spend to much on outdoor planting if we are moving, if we have pots at least we can take them with us.

  2. That's a good deal on your aquilegia. I have a few different varieties in the garden but the self seeders always come up purple or pink.

  3. You really do have green fingers Marlene, your plants always look so healthy.

  4. YOu are talking plants and planting and I am sitting in the living room looking out the window at an additional 12" of snow from last night :)

    Shoveled a little this morning and may make a Road Trip to a yarn store later today . . not really sure yet. It's pretty cold out and I HATE messing with my snow boots :(

  5. I love the look of the aquilegia. I wonder if they grow here. I will have to check.
