Sunday 27 July 2014

Sunday catchup

More stitches
 I have done the green section on the left and a few more blue flowers. 
The blue is looking great, I have left the middle two, I was thinking I might do them yellow.
 I have planted a few things in the top corner of my garden, once the Peony is finished this area becomes bare, I love the huge daisy's and a couple of Salvia.
 My lime pip is now officially a plant, I wanted a natural looking pot, it should live in here for a while. My lemon pip now has a root, so yet again I am pleased.
 Loom bands have arrived here, Fliss was making some for Josh, and saved the girly colours for me, I made the platting one in yellow, red and purple.
We had a great BBQ last night, just both daughters and one partner, we sat outside listening to nice music and chatting to past 10 and then sat inside for ages, so much laughter, it was fun for everyone.
I harvest all our salad items from the garden for the BBQ, and will pick French Beans later with carrots. We did have our 1st Cucamelon, we have loads forming, they it tasted like the freshest cucumber we have ever tasted, I cut the small berry in half and shared with hubby.
Later today we are going out on our motorbike, it's not so hot, so it will be good to have a ride.


  1. Love the colors in this piece Marlene.


  2. Its been great watching the development of your Lime Pip, the stitching is coming on great keep up the good work

  3. So excited your lime pip is growing.
