Wednesday 30 July 2014

Early morning walk

It's another sunny morning, other than 10 minutes light rain on Tuesday evening, I can't remember the last rain we had, so every night I am on hose duty watering both my and Win's gardens.
My Chocolate Cosmos is growing well, as is the blueberry plant, which now has to have tap water. Above the begonias is my outside cucamelon plant.
 The newly planted section of the side bed is doing well, 
the Salvias will soon be flowering. 
My Salvias grown from seed are doing well at the bottom of the garden.
 My bargain plants are doing well, they have almost doubled in size, 
three of these will go to Su and David for their new house. 
My box cuttings have taken and I can see new growth.  
My cucamelons are now forming in numbers, 
can't wait to add them to my harvest list, 
we are now using home grown 
salad, French Beans, Carrots, Onions, herbs.
A pleasing harvest from such a small area.
I have found some time for stitching
All six flowers are blue, I just left it as it should be, makes a change, I now want to do the left hand outer boxes and get around the corner. It will be nice to finish this side. I still have to decide on the colours for the filler stitching in the center panels.
I had my second job interview yesterday, but did not get the offer, it went to the other lady who had a finance background, which is a shame. I popped to Wilkinson's and bagged a few gardening bargains, I love their end of garden sale. I got a couple new propagators reduced to 80p each ready for the spring.
We managed a bike ride yesterday, and tried a few new routes through the country lanes, we avoid the main roads where we can, our normal coffee spot Loomies was closed, so we stopped high above Portsmouth, with a stunning view over the harbour.
Today is my last day at home, I am having coffee with a neighbour this morning, lunch with hubby and a couple of task this afternoon including dentist.
My lime plant is doing well, and I have a root forming from a lemon pip, it's going to be a long haul, but fingers crossed I can get plants from both. I have tried for many years, this time I read a tip saying to soak the pips until all the flesh from the fruit has been removed and for me it worked.


  1. It's wonderful when the harvests start coming, isn't it? I've heard mixed reviews of cucamelons so it will be interesting to know what you think of them. I didn't know Wilkinson's have their sale on, thanks for the heads up, I'll have to pop in.

  2. What is a cucamelon? I know you told us once, but that is a veggie I have never seen around here, or in Indiana where I grew up.

  3. Your plants look really well and are flourishing, as is your stitching :-)

  4. The blue flowers are fabulous
