Wednesday 2 April 2014

Feeling good

First my mini rug, I have finished the centre, and I am pleased it looks neat, I have just four swirls to complete and I am aiming for them to be done by the weekend.
 Out in the garden, just as my yellow daffodils are going over, I have these beautiful cream ones, with cream tulips behind,
I did purchase a pack of cream coloured bulbs. 
My tulips are not very good this year, not many flowers.
 It's Peony time, 
I already have five huge buds, last year I had 14 flowers, fingers crossed it does as well this year. It was in my mothers garden when I was a child.
At 50 years old, it is my favourite plant in my garden.
 The Magnolia tree has leaves forming, 
an interesting photo, 
with the flower centres after the petals have dropped, flowers, buds and leaves.
I love the shades of pink.
 In my greenhouse, my seedlings are growing, 
I think I have too many tomato plants.
 2nd greenhouse, 
my mixed salad is doing well and next to them is spring onions, 
I hope to plant them on this weekend.
 My Lavender was looking very woody, I have it in a pot at the back of the garden and in a mad moment I cut it all back, and now the new growth showing. I have the promise of another good year.
Hubby has been away since the weekend, so I have had fun, with the clocks going forward, we lost an hours sleep but gained an hour of evening sun shine.

Monday evening I went with Su and David for our 1st Sushi, we tried loads of different dishes, and we liked most of them, Su even ate raw fish which she had said she would not try.

Last night my friend Angela came for tea, I cooked her Chicken and Prawn Paella, it was a good one, we sat outside for a while.

Tonight I am in with hubby and lazy night together and an early night.
Tomorrow is Thursday, so Su and Fliss will meet me for an evening with a bit of shopping and loads of coffee and chatter.


  1. Your bulbs flowering make me happy. Ours are just peaking through the soil.

    No, wait, I lied, we do have crocus' blooming . . . so I know Spring really is just around the corner.

    Our Daffodils, in what I call our cemetery plot, have about 1" of green showing. So my thoughts are with planting new plants this year.

  2. Looking awesome Marlene. Your almost done. Pretty flowers.


  3. The rug is gorgeous :) and loving your flowers. I can't believe that peony plant is 50 years old?! I've just chopped my lavender back too hoping it'll come back. Your magnolia looks lovely too. They are looking lovely up here at the moment. Have a good week.
