Saturday 5 April 2014

Another finish

My Little rug is done, and I love it, hope you do as well Laura.
 I will seal the edges this weekend 
and have it in the post to you later this week, 
it was a pleasure to sew. 
 Now back to my 12 square sampler, this is number 10
 I now have 7, 8,11 and 12 to stitch, I am working on 11 at this point. so very soon another finish, I adore the colours in this and love the balance. I think this has to be used, maybe as a cushion cover, it would look nice in my chair.
 My fruit garden, can you see the twig in the corner, it's a blackcurrant bush, I don't like them, but hubby does, there are nice buds forming already. My blueberry bush in the pot has been inside my greenhouse and does not show signs of growth, so I have put it here, fingers crossed. I have 45 french Marigolds in my green house for the front of this garden, hubby loves them, and they will add colour to this spot.
Another pot sown, it has spring onions in the middle and radishes around the outside, I thought it would look interesting, I have added more seeds to keep it going longer.
 I love this little pot, but I can't get much to grow in it, so this year I have sown cress inside, it should be interesting in a couple of weeks. I love the rustic look.
My brother has been here, he spent last night and most of the day, I love having him to stay, we have loads of fun, this morning I took him to see the huge boats in a local marina, most of them cost more than our house. Now he is with his daughter and grand son.
We have had drizzle all day, the type that gets you wet when you are out, but not enough to call it rain, so my garden has been out of bounds. I love watching the birds and squirrels from our sitting room, but I am itching to get outside. The fore caste for tomorrow is more rain, so a day inside, I will have to do some house work, fingers crossed I get a break in the weather.


  1. Congrats on the adorable finish Marlene.


  2. WOW . . that pot with the cress looks like it is HUGE and heavy!

  3. Oh Marlene I love the rug:). Thank you so much :) I agree that I think the other sewing project would look terrific as a cushion. Your fruit garden looks great and what a great idea for cress. Glad you had a good time with your brother. Enjoy the rest,of your weekend.
