Tuesday 10 September 2024

This week

I adore these daisies, there are seven plants along this boarder, they tumble just as I wanted and soften the edge, this bed has been a pure pleasure for me, they flower from early spring until the frost arrives, should look good for weeks, very little work and a simplistic look.

I love honeysuckle, it's take a few years for this plant to thrive, it's along the rear fence beside the greenhouse, there are a mixture of climbing shrubs here. I'm not a huge fan of climbing plants, except along our back fence, I do like to see a clean tidy fence boundary.
I have sorted my raised bed infront of my greenhouse, I have always grown flowers here, but with the pond below I want to come away from flower blooms dropping. The section nearest the fence has an established fuchsia which I did not want to move, so I have placed a wooden barrier and made that section for flowers. I have sorted the rest of the soil, removing the few bulbs I planted and any stones, this is going to be for seedling and salad, I have salad bits in the covered pot.

My title, This week.... I've worn long trousers everyday, trainers a couple of times and found my fleece for a couple of evenings, we are turning on lights most evenings and have started closing our blinds in the sitting room, the outside of our windows are covered in moisture every morning, we can't see out for a while, sadly our season is changing. I'm not sure I'm ready for summer to end, it's not been a great season  or year.

Sunday after heavy rain through the night we woke to blue skies, we had just a sprinkle of rain and a sunny afternoon, I worked outside enjoying the warmth from the sun. I also worked on my 2023 book and April is uploaded, that's a third done, the publishers sent out an update, which now does not have the font I use as included, so rather than pay more I have changed the font, I actually prefer the new font.

Monday was mixed, dry with a few sunny spells, I did not do much outside my back is playing up again, sorting the raised bed was awkward, I could not stand close enough and I had to twist a bit, all heading for aches in my back, I stayed in we had a couple of parcels arriving. I changed the font on my 2022 book, and checked through the pages again, I had a few tweaks to make, but it is finished again, ready for November discounts.  


  1. The daisies really are pretty and work hard for their place in your garden. I love honeysuckle and have a few, though they do tend to take over if not pruned.
    Cooler mornings and evenings and shorter days all lead inexorably to winter, but then there's the delight of lamps and fires and cosiness.

  2. September is a good time for taking shrub cuttings and dividing perennials. I made about twenty Hydrangea cuttings yesterday and planted them in pots filled with homemade compost and covered them with my plastic bottle cloches. Your Fuschia would make good cuttings and new plants Marlene.

    1. I'm trying to grow snowberry cuttings, my plant has gotten an bit big, so I am using the cuttings.

  3. Your daisies do look nice.
    Yes, there has been an Autumnal nip in the air and the nights are drawing in ... I find I'm closing curtains that bit earlier now.

    All the best Jan

  4. I always liked those daisies too, but unfortunately they grow too well in our climate and have now become a weed.
    Take care with your back, Mxx

    1. I'm aware they do self seed, so I will be watching out and weeding.

  5. I'm also not ready for summer to end. Perhaps because it's felt so short this year. The daisies are beautiful. Xx

  6. Nights do seem to be drawing in now don't they so the urge to get out in the garden when the sun still shines is a big draw . But like you I do have to be careful with my back which can be frustrating.
    Hoping you are able to enjoy time in the garden this week.
