Tuesday 3 September 2024


Sunday I was outside for a while, I planted a small conifer from hubby's garden into a spare pot, it won't grow big, he is changing part of his conifer garden, we popped to our favourite garden centre and hubby got the grasses he wanted, shock horror, I got nothing for my garden. Hubby has space for a couple more plants, he's talking about getting some alpines, as they would suit the front of his bed.

With George starting school soon, life is going to be very different for him, unlike Will who comes out of school full of energy, we expect George to be tired, and therefore less likely to be able to go to the local parks. They had a slide in their garden, which was small and it cracked, so hubby and I decided they need something in their own garden. With daughter help with choices, this climbing frame with slide arrived last weekend. We have three happy grand children.
End of a era for George, last time at preschool nursery, and ready for school, with all the local support, his school have been fantastic, daughter is not as worried about him going to school. All we have to hope is his first week goes well, he is not great with too many changes all at once, he knows his 1to1 support person, and has been in the classroom a few times. 

We spent the weekend at home, daughter and children popped over on Saturday for a couple of hours, both Molly and George were asking to see us, I had a day not doing anything in the garden, I read and rested as did hubby, I have been making notes in my garden journal, noting each bed, what was growing, a couple of plants I am moving. 

September is a month of celebrations, hubby's birthday was on Monday, we had a quiet day home with a Chinese takeaway for tea and a glass of red wine. Daughter and Will popped in for cake and give hubby cards and gift, George and Molly were at nursery, Will was very animated, normally he's out done by his younger siblings. He wanted to check my wildlife pond, I was told its a good habitat, he was very happy with everything, I also got a huge compliment, he said our garden looked like a flower shop, he also raided the raspberries and blackberries, some things never change.

Today is wet and dull again, hubby has to pop out this morning for an hour, I'm staying in, not much to do, hubby wants some fleabane daisies for his front garden, he thinks they will soften the front wall, so I am going to take loads of cuttings for him.  


  1. George looks so grown up in his school uniform. How time flies. Nice to spend time with Will on his own. Your family sound like they're coping well with everything that has happened. Wishing you all the best.

  2. Happy birthday to your husband.
    I hope George settles well - it's a big step for any child and sometimes any upsets don't come for a few weeks. It was nice for Will to have one to one time with you,

  3. We are having a bit of an Indian summer this month. Great weather for gardening.

  4. It's great that George has been able.to familiarise himself with the classroom, and I'm sure things go well for him. Already knowing his support person, is going to be a huge help. Xx

  5. I hope George's transition to the school environment goes well.

  6. Happy belated birthday wishes for your husband.

    It doesn't seem possible the new school year is starting, summer has zoomed by! I do hope George settles well at school.

    All the best Jan

  7. I do hope that George does well. I am glad he got to visit his classroom and meet his support person. Love the climbing apparatus.

    God bless.

  8. It sounds like everything possible is being done to help George settle into school.


  9. Thank goodness for 1 to 1 support. Hopefully he’ll soon be settled it, it’s surprising how resilient children are. Your garden planning sounds lovey and organised…so unlike my own approach! X
