Tuesday 17 September 2024


 This is a very pleasing photo, school sent it to daughter, George can be very unsettled in new environments, he has been to his school, class and met both, teachers and support staff. To see him here having his photo taken, looking at the person and we think chatting to them, is a huge success, he loves school.

It was daughters birthday on Friday, I picked Will up from school on Wednesday and we went shopping to chose this gift for his mummy, we popped to McDonalds for his tea, which is a rare treat for him, I enjoyed a coffee and ate when I got home. He ran up to his bedroom to hide his present and was so excited and gave it to his mummy on Friday morning. 
The caption says it all, we shared birthday cake, Molly and George having their special dairy free cakes, later we had a Chinese meal, which Will joined in, making new memories. 

We drove to Somerset on Saturday, we have not been down for months and stayed again with my brother, visited my sister and her partner, then had a meal Saturday evening at local pub, popped back for Sunday lunch. Sunday afternoon was spent with my sister in law, I've not seen her for ages, so it was good to catch up. Monday morning we spent with my brother and then drove home, it was hot and sunny in the car.

Daughter took her cat Lola to the vets, she was eating loads and daughter thought she might have worms, life is not that simple, Lola is pregnant, she has not been outside yet, as daughter wanted her to settle and be chipped before allowing her outside, she must have been already pregnant when daughter got her, so for a few more weeks Lola is an indoor cat. Vet scanned and there are 4 maybe 5 kittens, I have already said we will have 1, her neighbour wants another, daughter says she will keep one, so only a couple of kittens will need a home, if they are as pretty as mum, they will go quickly. We have put an order in for a female, daughter would like another female, so our kitten is on her way.


  1. Sounds like a great trip. I love the West country.

    1. Somerset will always be home to me, with Dorset and Devon following close, I have so many wonderful memories of family life. Sadly the village where I was born has now a huge housing estate on the edge and I can see changes, the local pub (there are 4 in the village) was much busier, hopefully local business's will benefit, traffic is a huge issue now.

  2. A home-grown kitten is best! It may not be what your daughter wished for but it's a lovely learning experience for the children. George looks happy and so smart in his uniform.

    1. That's exactly what we said, daughter thinks the children will love it and as soon as she can Lola will be visiting the vets.

  3. That was a surprise. We had a cat that had two kittens when I was a child. We kept them, but the mother cat seemed to really dislike them both, hissing at them if they got too close. Maybe it was because they were both males.

  4. Was a lovely trip, both to see family and just relax. Couple of pints in the local pub and a long drive home.

  5. Well, that was a surprise for your daughter with a pregnant Lola. I am so glad that there are already good homes waiting for some of the kittens. It will be a lovely for the children to see them growing up. Such a lovely photo of George on his first day at school. I'm glad it is going well for him.

  6. What a sweet photo of George. Good that he is enjoying school.
    Family visits are the best aren't they.

  7. Lovely family photos. It was good that George enjoyed his first day at school.

  8. Lots to celebrate here, including a new kitten on-its-way. Fantastic photo of George (hope he keeps liking school). Great that you can get together with siblings too - those ties become more and more important as you grow older.

  9. Lovely photo of George, glad he is settling into school, its a big change when they start school. Will looks so grown up, he will enjoy giving his mum a present he chose on her birthday, and it will mean more to your daughter that he bought it.
    What a surprise for your daughter! but exciting too, the children will love having kitties and watching them grow. And a new kitten for you too! How lovely, I sometimes think of getting another one but I'm not there yet, you are lucky that one has found you so soon.

    1. I do miss having a cat in the house, for most of my life I have had two cats together.

  10. So pleased that George has settled well at school, that's a nice photograph of him.
    Nice ones too of Will and your daughter.

    All the best Jan

  11. Lots of lovely news!
    You must all have been so relieved that George has settled well into his new school. Although, I sometimes think these transitions can be more difficult for the family, than they are for the child. I'm so glad he loves it.
    It is exciting news about the kittens. What perfect timing. Xx
