Thursday 15 August 2024


 This area has been pleasing, but the water containers are small, I really want to attract frogs and other wildlife. I have overgrown plants here, which I needed to move, already a few has a new home to go to, the rest will go on facebook, marketplace.
Close up the containers are a bit small,
 with the plants in there is little space.
Out comes the paper and tape measure, I do love to plan, now plants have been removed, I can see so much more space. I know what would be my perfect pond area, but I don't have the space for that, I can't increase the space and there is not another good spot in my small garden.

Hubby and I have visited loads of local aquatic shops, and trolled the internet, most preformed ponds would fill the space with little space for planting my grasses. In our local shop they suggested I look at animal feed containers, as they are tough and a good size, they had large ones which would have been too big for us. This fits the area with external planting space, from Amazon and amazingly quiet cheap.

Now the work starts, the main thing is to dig down, which is not that bad as the agapanthus has left a huge hole, I have a few plants to separate, the grasses in my sink are huge again, so once separated I can use the bigger parts here, along with grasses already planted, I won't use any of the existing flowers, they can be placed elsewhere in the garden. 

The only plant I would like to purchase is a small water lily, we are planning another trip to my favourite garden centre, which has a good aquatic shop on site.  I am going to look for some big flat stones as well, all my small ones are in the bottom of the pond.

I am happily throwing myself into this work, I am so out of salts at the moment, feeling very down and almost tearful, which is not me at all, I have a wonderful hubby and daughter, hubby's older brother is still in hospital, they now think the metal inserted to fix the break is causing all the infections. I know things will settle, but there is so much family drama going on, life is exhausting and hopefully it will settle soon, both the younger grandchildren are picking up our stress and need more cuddles. 


  1. I'm excited by your plans, and can't wait to see them implemented. I'm sure it's going to be perfect. Just look at the rest of your garden, it's so beautiful.
    I'm sorry you're feeling so flat just now. And yet, it's completely understandable, given everything that you've got going on in your life. Keep on keeping on, and I hope you'll soon turn that corner and be feeling less stressed. Xx

  2. It's good to have something new to plan. Family dramas are very wearing and worrying doesn't help, but it seems impossible to stop. There's too much drama in my life at present, not due to my husband, but my middle daughter. This, too, shall pass.

    1. Having the support of a good husband is priceless.

  3. Your pond is bigger than my sink-pond so I'm sure you will get frogs. I'd send you water snails if I could!

  4. Sorry you are feeling a bit down, the blues can just creep up on us at times and given all that’s happening in the world it’s not surprising. Concentrate on doing what you love, benefit from the support of your husband and be gentle with yourself, take care x

  5. Looking forward to your pond plans. Sorry that you are feeling down. Things are just beginning to be a bit much for most of us these days. I hope you feel brighter very soon.

    God bless.

  6. Life can get a bit rough sometimes, so I am happy you have found an outlet to help you cope. Hugz, Mxx

  7. Your pond plans sound lovely. It feels great when you look outside the box and find a solution to a problem. I'm sorry you're feeling so out of sorts, it can get so overwhelming when there are a lot of difficult things happening at the same time. Sometimes you just have to retreat inwards a little and give yourself some time to come to terms with things. I'm glad that you have such a supportive husband to help you. I hope you are feeling a lot better soon.
