Friday 9 August 2024

Longdown farm

 I was taken to Longdown Farm, in the New Forest, close to Southampton, the little ones love it there, it was my first visit, George was very excited when we pulled into the car park. 

It's the perfect place for little people to run around in safety and enjoy so many animals of all sizes, a long barn had been turned into three bays for small animals in different pens, all being very child friendly. Different birds were in pens outside, chicken nesting boxes were placed so the children could find newly laid eggs, everything child height and friendly.

Here we are cuddling chicks, Molly was very careful, she was so gentle here, Will was totally enjoying himself, sadly George would not join in, so mummy had the cuddle. The children were also given a bottle of milk to feed the calves, I had George so I ended up feeding ours, another fun activity, I really do like cows, I lived on a dairy farm for a few years. 

All the paths were concrete, so even in light rain it was not muddy, the rain did not last long, they had undercover seating areas for lunch, we took a picnic. Before going home we had a ride on a tractor, we sat in a big enclosed trailer and was taken around a bumpy field with cows in, here is where George shines, he was signing it's stinky, and people joined in, he loved the trip, there were all the normal expected animals, loads of ducks and chickens, and goats. We were home mid afternoon, the little ones had run around, jumped in puddles and enjoyed the toy, ride on tractors and the play ground, they even had a go on a couple of diggers, where they moved sand around.

Daughter is trying to give them loads of fun this school summer break, she has a chance to take them away, but is undecided as it's hard work have three on her own, her friends have been including them in their days out and play days. 

I'm out of salts, tired and over thinking so much, which is what I do, therefore not sleeping so well, I have lost the spark in my life, it will come back, hubby is truly supportive as always, I am having regular coffee and chats with SIL's mum, she is much the same as me, our hubby's are both angry, so we meet together for honest chats. 

So days out like this are good for daughter, her children and of course me.


  1. It looks like a fun day out. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling out of sorts, but it's reassuring to know you have good support, and a listening ear. Hopefully you will feel brighter soon. Xx

  2. What a lovely day out for you all. It's good that you and your s-i-l's parents can support each other and your daughter. It's very hard and very depressing and a big adjustment to make.

  3. I think these places are wonderful for children to be able to experience animal life close up. What great memories for them to have :)

  4. What a great place to take the kids and learn about animals and farm life. Glad you all enjoyed your day out. It's not surprising that you are feeling a bit out of sorts. The world is a bit depressing at the moment, especially the UK and you have had to deal with a difficult family situation with regard to your daughter and her children. It will probably take time for you all to adjust and you are bound to worry about her and the children in the meantime. At least she has a very supportive family in yourself, your husband and her inlaws. It's good that you are able to chat to her MIL. It probably helps you both support each other and to come to terms with everything.

  5. What an enjoyable day. I love calves as well and I am a city girl. My Aunt and Uncle had a dairy farm and I loved petting and feeding the small ones. Tried milking a couple of times (they did it the old way, by hand) and did not do well at all.

    God bless.
