Wednesday 17 July 2024


 Flowers are my success story this year, my foxglove gave me one very tall spike, which has gone over and now there are shorter spikes, my hollyhock is coming into bloom, these are in the square garden, tucked to the back. I would love more next year, hubby is loving them as well, they stand out. I have planted some tall daisies in the area  hoping they will hide the lower scraggy bottoms of these plants.

These agapanthus are my original plant, it sits in the back section in front of the raised flower bed, they are at the back of my garden, but always look stunning, I have 9 heads here, I have cut one for my inside display. The leaves are evergreen, so interesting in the winter months, I have split this plant 3 times, and have 2 other smaller clumps around my plot, I hope to split it again later this summer.

I have a few sweet peas growing, this year I threw some seeds into a compost bag and popped it into the back corner outside my greenhouse, I have neglected them and they are growing, I have cut a few blooms, my hope is for them to fill out and I have more to cut. 
I love my table, this display has been here for a few years, both begonia's are in pots which stay in my greenhouse over the cooler months, the lower plant is now huge. I have other begonia's around the garden which are all behind with their growing.
This is my second hosta plant, it's in an old brass coal bucket to deter the slugs and snails, it works well, last month I separated this plant, I have 3 smaller ones in pots, they are looking good. I was not expecting this plant to flower, so these blooms are a bonus. 
I popped to my favourite garden centre with daughter and George last week, George and Molly love these butterflies, it's solar and when it's sunny the butterfly wizzes around the top, daughter did not think it would last long in her garden, so it lives in ours. 

Just flowers in this post, life is extremely busy here, family time.


  1. The red of the begonias and the blue of the pots are wonderful. I love the solar-powered butterfly - what fun!

  2. That reminds me ... I need to get some begonias!

  3. Always lovely to see flowers.
    Your Hosta looks so healthy.

    All the best Jan

  4. Pretty flowers, and your begonias are putting on a stunning display :)

  5. I'd never grown hollyhocks prior to last year but I'm a convert, they're great for giving some height to the border. I plant scarlet red geraniums in my blue glazed pots. Like your begonias, the contrast looks so good.

  6. I love your hostas with their beautiful flower stems. Mine have started flowering now. I have copper bands around the pots which deter the slugs.
    Stunning begonias contrasting with the blue pots.
