Sunday 22 October 2023


We are extremely lucky to live in a dry area, we do miss loads of bad weather through out the year, we often just catch the tails of these autumn storms, we have had heavy rainfall for this area, the water in our road always clears quickly, there is no risk of our home flooding. Watching all the devastation in Scotland and elsewhere is heart breaking, I can not imagine having to clear up the mess from dirty water in your home, to loose so much, every year a different part of the country goes through hell with storms. 
It's that time of year to bake my Christmas cakes, I make 3, one for us, another for daughter and my brother. I use the same recipe I have used most of my adult life, it came from Woman's Weekly magazine, I tried it because you soak the fruit in the juice of oranges and lemon, no booze. I bring my sheet out, typed many years ago, I have a copy on my computer, but I love to see this original each year. 
I did say I had all the bulbs I needed, which was and is true, but 2 packs of these I've not grown before, I love Camassia blue, so the yellow should be pretty as well, the Crocus were such a beautiful colour, both were from Dobbies expensive range, Chionodoxa I've never seen before, I have already found space to plant them. These bulbs were more expensive, but there were more bulbs in each packet.
Another new author to me, set in Devon, Police work after a murder, I worked out who done it quite quickly, but a clever twist in the book proved me right and wrong. There is a huge series of these books, I'm sure I will read more of them. Book 33 read this year.

I feel I should be crafting, but I don't know what I want to do, I have my needle felting, I would like to make some Christmas decorations, I have hexagon flowers made, I have loads of beautiful fabrics, I started some freestyle patchwork, I started a crochet doll and a small blanket, I don't have any knitting on the go, but I do have loads of 4ply yarn. I have been looking at designs for my lino cutting, I have been thinking about starting another cross stitch, I have everything I need, would just need to decide on a design. My crafting mojo is low, I spend far too much time on my phone, I'm not even reading much. 

I've been sorting my book shelves in my office, I keep all my craft books there, it was full, so I have pulled out those which I don't use and I'm ready to pass on. They will go to our charity shop in the village. I did look on Ziffit, but these books don't have enough value to send them off.

Friday tea time I went to a Portsmouth Downs Syndrome event, Halloween party, with daughter and her three little ones. George had loads of fun, Molly was not feeling well so stuck close to mummy, Will disappeared most of the event, playing with friends. I was unwell later in the night, upset tummy, which hubby also had, but not as bad as mine, daughter also picked up the bug, we had them here on Saturday morning, mummy went to garage to get her repaired car. Today we are having a lazy day at home together, no plans.

The guy did not arrive to do the rendering, and did not contact us until very much later that day, he could only do a couple of hours on Sunday to prepare the wall and we would have to wait for him to finish, so hubby said no, we are not prepared to have the walls exposed and allow damp in, and he has lost our trust to turn up as promised. Hubby is looking into how we can do it ourselves. 


  1. It's so disappointing when tradesmen let you down. Chionodoxa is pretty - we have some white ones in the garden.

  2. It's so hard to get people to do any sort of work and I hate keep ringing round only for people not to turn up. Hope you manage to get the rendering sorted.
    I've still got some bulbs to plant up, the weather has stopped me getting on with things, hoping for some dry days soon so I can get the last of them planted up.
    Like you I can't seem to settle with any crafting at the moment, I want to work on things but just don't have much motivation, I'm sure it will return soon.

  3. We've been pretty fortunate escaping the worst of the weather here too Marlene. The lanes and fields are wet, but we're not flooded by any means. You'd think workmen would be in need of the work nowadays wouldn't you? Hope you can work out how to do it yourselves and get it done asap.

  4. Oh dear - hope you will manage to get the rendering sorted.

    Wishing you a good week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  5. (Whoops....Accidentally published before finishing.)
    Seeing all the weather mayhem in other parts of the world always gives me a frisson of fear, wondering when it will be our turn. Love a good fruit cake. We call Chionodoxa, Glory of the Snow, and I have some. It is a very pretty, early bloomer in the spring. Hope your crafting mojo returns...I'd love to see what you are making.
