Monday 9 October 2023

Going forward

With fingers crossed behind my back, I'm saying these are the last bulbs purchased this year, I got the two daisies for the new flower bed, the cucumber seeds are the tiny F1, earlier this year I had trouble getting them, so when I saw them I did not hesitate in popping them into my basket. We also got bark, which I have spread over the flower bed. 
I've used this as an ornament in the garden for years, I got it in a half price sale, it matches my blue pots, we have been wanting a water feature for ages, looking in the past few months we found nothing we both like. I had a throw away comment, we could use this, the hole is for water, we would need a sump, and a solar pump, we already have a grill and loads of stones, hubby is on the case, 
My Amaryllis has only leaves, which are growing better than in previous years, I am hoping there will be a flower bud soon. I have potted a second bulb, it's a couple of weeks behind this one, I really want these to bloom again. I have also potted 3 hyacinth bulbs, and re-potted my white Christmas rose from last year, it could be a full bloom Christmas if my timings and plans all work out. 
My house plants are all doing well, this Albuca Spiralis Frizzle Sizzle has doubled in size, it sits by my computer, so I can enjoy it everyday, and it gets as much sunlight as it can, soon the radiators will come on, the heat will help it grow as well. The flowers have all finished on my thanks giving cactus in the bathroom, it does normally flower again at the correct time. 

I have not done any crafting for a couple of weeks, I do need to get my sewing machine out, just two smaller task, but that will have to be later in the week, hopefully I will have a crafting post soon. I am hoping I still have you all with me, lack of crafting and not another garden post. I have had time to read, and we are watching more TV, we love Strickly, Bake off, Ghost, Gogglebox, Sort your life out in 7 days, Race around the world, and Graham Norton. This week Britain's best woodworker has started again, the drama's are mostly good as well. I can't be bothered with Gardeners World, I find Monty's garden much the same and it's getting boring.

I have promised myself not to purchase anymore bulbs in the garden, I have spent just over £70 on spring bulbs and cyclamen plants, I'm not sure all were needed, but we will both enjoy the blooms as they come, hubby is really good, he knows it's an important time of year, preparing for next spring. I only have the tulips to plant in a huge pot, they go in in November, and I have everything crossed a rhubarb plant will be gifted to me at the same time. 

In some good news, my fit bit stopped working, the screen went black, its 18 months old, I did a live chat, they could not help me, but, surprisingly it's still in warranty, and a new model will be sent to me, not the same model as they don't have any, so an upgrade. How lucky is that, just a quick reply to an email and everything is sorted for me.

We are away from home for a few days, back in Somerset with family, staying with my sister as my brother is decorating his bedrooms. Then on to Devon to see hubby's brother, it's their 25th wedding anniversary, we also saw our Taunton boys, so grown up these days.


  1. Have a nice few days away with family.

    All the best Jan

  2. I hope the fine weather keeps for you. Enjoy your break:-)

  3. Looking forward to seeing the pretty blue water feature. I have just put my 8(!) amaryllis bulbs to bed for the winter in a dark cool place. They come out and live and bloom on the verandah once temperatures are warm enough for that. No room in the house for them!
    I have several projects I want to get to in my craft room, but we have the rest of the potatoes still to dig, dahlia tuber and glad corms to lift, and a couple of beds to clear and prepare for winter...A white frost this morning, but finally, a clear sky, so a good day to get at it.
