Friday 23 June 2023

U Turn

I have been really naughty, we popped back to local shops and I purchased a pair of sandals, I love this design where the leather bits wrap around your big toe, they are always comfortable. I saw them the other week, hubby encouraged me, can I blame him.
I have sorted my summer T shirts, a few were looking a bit tatty, so they have all be popped into the Salvation Army bins, I still have plenty, but I will look for a few new cotton tops, so I can look tidy if we are invited out over the coming weeks. 

I have plenty of space in my side of the wardrobe, I can keep all our big winter coats at the back, I don't need to pack away summer and winter, I just move the seasons items to a lower shelf and the other set to the higher shelves. I now own 14 pairs of shoes/sandals and 3 pairs of boots, which is about a fifth of what I used to own.

I also have my fabric stash on 2 shelves as well as in the two baskets, my cardboard boxes are working well, the baskets fit inside and I have a neat shelf, I normally have our sun hats on top. It's so much better to not have this area bulging with clothes, alot if which I never wore.

In the last 4 years I have spent a total of £1,047.74, which is an average of £261.93 per year, this includes footwear and coats, I can only imagine how much clothes I have passed on, most of it 'work style' I do feel really pleased with myself, most of my 'going out evening' clothes are repeatedly worn, I am proud for someone to notice. I still have too many clothes, but I do now wear most items, I mainly wear shorts and T shirts at home in the summer.

This year I have spent more, almost £200 on two good coats and a couple pairs of sandals and a pair of trainers, plus other clothes, it has never been about saving money, just wearing what I already own.

Removing ourselves from the commercial merry-go-round, has been so good, keeping clothes longer works, I mainly purchase natural fibers, I love the feel of cotton, and mainly good leather shoes the quality shines through. Pulling out my summer clothes is reuniting with dear things, clothes I know will fit me, many years old, it does mean I have to watch my weight, and stay at the same size.

Hubby is much better than he was, but he does get through his everyday clothes quicker, he often marks what he is wearing when doing jobs about the place.

It's the same with household and garden things, purchasing quality and making it last, we are also using our 'best' things, daughter won't want any of it, so what's the point of it collecting dust and not being used.


  1. Your new sandals do look nice and comfortable.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  2. Slowly but surely is the way to downsize a collection of clothing. I just added two items to the stack for donation. Your closet is looking very neat and tidy.

    God bless.

  3. Like you I tend to wear the same things day to day. At the moment it tends to be gym wear as I'm going to classes most days and in the winter it's track pants, long sleeved t-shirts and sweaters. I don't need anything too dressy for my current lifestyle, which suits me. I did buy a couple of dresses recently for a wedding, but I didn't spend more than £20 on each, one of them I didn't wear, but it could be worn to work or interviews, so I'm sure it will get worn some time.
