Friday 30 June 2023

June roundup


It's been a good month, keeping my spend under £100 was great, the spend on sewing and knitting is small as I am using more of my stash, in the garden the main spend was on lavender. 
My half year totals is utterly brilliant, my lower than previous years, it's a good feeling.

I have spent more on clothes, a couple of tops and sandals this month, it's never been about not spending, it always been about use what I have and after four years, I am starting to need some smart clothes. I have started using the library more, so my book spend should reduce. The half year figure include two good quality coats, without them I would have spent under £200.

Again no waste, we are trying to ensure we don't bring any 'wrapping' into the house which can't be recycled, having all our fruit in paper bags is a positive. BUT I do know it takes loads of water to make bags, so I keep them all and reuse them as I can, I am the same when I rarely get a plastic carrier, I pop it in the bottom of my handbag and reuse. My harvest have started, only small crops, but plenty to come.

We have mainly only ate salads, hardly any cooked meats, any cut off waste goes into our composter, we have sliced so many different breads and popped them into the freezer, so we only take out what we need, even the grandchildren know they should not waste food here. 

My steps are brilliant, my weight not so, I do feel as if I have lost some inches from my middle, that will have to do for now, my shorts and trousers waistband are not tight, so that's a win.


  1. The library is great for cutting spending on books. I also look in charity shops for books and buy from Ebay.

  2. Good job with the waistband, I'd take it as a win! I put on a few kilos baking bread etc during the worlds longest lockdown and have found at our age it doesn't want to fall off again 😂

  3. With June being so warm/hot it has definitely been a good month to enjoy salads ...

    Have a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

  4. Now that September is done, it won't be long before we see snow here on the Canadian prairies. Not looking forward to that at all.
    It seems like so many stores are closing their doors now.

    God bless.
