Friday 16 June 2023

Cooler things

Early afternoon when it's too hot outside, I have been inside where its cool and I have been working on my cross stitch, just one area to fill on the left hand side. I have another heart I can put here, it won't fill the area, but I can add something else.
 I saw this book recommended,  I'm not sure where and thought it might be a good read, it was not as I expected,  I think the title was misleading, it should have been called a year of discovery on how to live simply. Kate spent her time talking and working with people, finding out how she could make changes and live the life she craved, it is a lovely book to read. Book 13 read this year. I have already chosen my next book, I have a few here I want to read.
I am making the first blouse, it's basically three pieces of fabric and binding, I am making flat folded seams, a bit like French seams, so no raw edges, if it works I shall look for some expensive fabrics. The design is horizontal and I have matched the white pattern rows, which keeps it neat, the red top I will do vertical, less matching. I took my time in sorting the pattern, I have made the front panels a bit wider, some wriggle room. I hope to sew together this weekend. 

I have tried my first go at the crochet, it looked a bit saggy, so I unpicked it, I will try again. I'm thinking of having a sewing day on Sunday, handy inside thing to do if we get rain.

Again we have a promise of rain from Sunday, will have to wait and see, its so hot even with watering every few nights, the ground is bone dry, my bedding plants are still OK, but it won't take much for them to go over. We replanted our large Olive tree in the same pot, just gave it new compost and some feed, I popped leaf mulch in the very bottom. I have planted two more tomato plants, I've got four plants this year, the other two have green tomatoes on, I am hoping I can prolong the harvest season. Our blueberry bushes are full with berries which needs to ripen and also loads of new growth, the berries form on the second year growth. Strawberries are giving a nice crop, my frame has kept the birds away, and little hands.

Another slow day here, I ache, at Pilates last night we used resistance bands, and this morning I can feel the muscles I used, no gardening today, I'm going to be a lady of leisure. 


  1. My garden flowers, especially the roses in pots, are suffering in the heat and the lawn is turning brown and crisp, I really hope we have a good downpour soon.

  2. Well done on the sewing, I don't think I will ever be able to make anything without a pattern, I still find making a garment a challenge, but I do enjoy the process. Have you tried watching Bella Coco on YouTube for crochet tutorials? she is very good and does it in English terminology, like anything crafty It's just a matter of practice.

    1. I have used Bella Coco for ages, every time I try a new stitch of design, I watch her first.

  3. It will be lovely to get some rain soon.
    Some areas of the UK already have hose-pipe bans.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  4. I think that you are brave to try something close to French seams. I either zig zag mine or just turn over each and make a narrow hem. I like that fabric.

    God bless.

  5. We've had some rain here in South Staffs but everything is still exceptionally dry. We've picked a few strawberries this week but everything else needs more rain.
    The blouse looks lovely, I really like the fabric.
    I read Kate Humbles book a while ago and it wasn't quite what I anticipated either. I'm glad it was a library book and not a bought one!
