Thursday 8 June 2023

And rest

I have done more on this cross stich project, the bottom left hand side is almost complete, I have very few plans for this, I stitch a design and then look for the next. As the space gets smaller it does get harder to place things. The finish line is in sight, it will eventually be a cushion, with a nice green back, the very top is wrapped around the frame.
This was a very quick read, it was the authors first published book and it showed in the story plot, it had everything there, but just too simplistic. Book 10 read this year. I have one more of her books left to read  I'm hoping it's a better book.
Very quickly I remembered I had read this book years ago, it was the first book I read from this author, normally I do not read many books twice, but this is such a good story I kept going. Book 11 read this year. 
 I'm making time for more self care, something I'm not good at, I am feeling good at the moment, my Pilates class is helping with my posture and all the issues on my left side and shoulder, having less aches and pain does make me feel good. Normally by now I would have had a pedicure, I am managing without one this year, I file my hard skin on my heals after every shower, and I've started painting my nails. I have very weak nails and for years used them as tools, now I wear gardening gloves and ensure I am not damaging them, they never get long, but I'm happy with them, having said that I expect to break a couple now.

I thought it was time for a non gardening post, most of my time is spent outside, the weather is just so good, our garden has shade at different times of the day. I am hardly reading this year, I read so many forgettable books last year, I have decided to read less and choose my books, rather than read everything being passed around. I popped into our library this week, it's been months since I visited.

Not much crafting being done, I am still looking at my calendar wheel for 2023, so far this year I have not done much, I can't decide if I should start again without each month stitched in segments, in hope I might do more later in the year. I am sketching, so it is moving forward, once I decide I will catch up quickly on the stitching.

I have no other craft projects, most of my time is outside. I do love my sewing machine, but no plans to use it, I have been thinking of finding a simple button through summer top pattern, and make a few, nothing fancy, the tops would make a change from wearing T shirts. I would need to practice making small buttonholes.


  1. I've been doing a bit more gardening and working outside this year and it's lovely being out in the sunshine. I love to have painted toenails. Mine aren't painted at the moment, I do need to do them. My fingernails are terribly week and split so easily, I will probably have to wear fake ones for an upcoming wedding.

  2. I think it important to take time to 'self-care' and spoil ourselves now and again ...

    All the best Jan

  3. I try and get most of my work done in the early morning, much to warm here after that. Your stitching is almost done!!

    God bless.
