Saturday 25 March 2023

Planning and playing

I was tutor in our sign group this week, Shelia is giving us all a turn at a leading the group, I decided to have a visit to the zoo and practice animals signs, I purchased a pack of  cards, I only used a few, each person picked two cards and signed them to everyone. After I gave them the fingerspelling sheet, again everyone was able to complete it. It was fun once I had decided what subject to use, I used the BSL site for the fingerspelling signs, I would not want to have to decide every week how to spend our time.
Wednesday morning we spent time at the Portsmouth Downs Syndrome association party, they hold every year to celebrate our wonderful children. This local branch is a magnificent support group for the whole family, lots of happy people mixing and having fun, there was even a tiny one week old baby there. We are so lucky they are so good at what they do, supporting our children through out their growing lives, George has extra schooling sessions to help prepare him for school next year.  
I really should not have purchased more yarn, this is Aran, I got enough to make another long cardi, I just love the colour, I have already started on the back. 
I have finished the back using this fleck yarn, it does knit up well, the pattern is easy to remember, so it grew quickly. Instead of starting a front, I used my new yarn, as I am using different yarn than the pattern suggest, I would like to make this first, so I can ensure I have enough yarn, the brown fleck I have had for years and have more than is required by the pattern. The pattern is easier to see on the purple, and I am ensuring I don't make any mistakes this time, I hope to finish the back over the weekend.

Blogger is giving me old unpublished unseen comments, I've had a few in the past couple of days, I always check my spam file as I often find a comment in there. I really don't know what is happening. I can still only comment anonymously on my phone, but I'm OK using my desktop.

We both had dental appointments on Thursday morning, both had a bit of work, not cheap but necessary. I popped into Wilkson's and got four packs of summer bulbs for my raised bed, I am hoping once planted they will help fill the space, I will get a few nemesia plants, which I adore, and hope I won't need anything more in that bed. 

Friday we got our new made blinds, hubby popped out, I stayed at home as we were due a postal delivery which we did not want to miss, we had a lazy day at home. Hubby is planning the decoration of our spare bedroom, it should not be too hard work other than replacing the small radiator with a bigger model. 

Today we had planned a walk in the woods, George and his nursery are again fundraising, we did the walk last year, George was then using his walker, now he runs everywhere, again it's for Portsmouth Down Syndrome Ass. Another grandchild growing up quickly, hubby will walk with us, as grandma is away. Molly has spots, which daughter thinks might be chickenpox, so I will find out soon what is happening today, I have suggested I stay home with Molly, I think daughter will take in the weather conditions. 


  1. A lovely photograph of you, your daughter and George.

    All the best Jan

  2. Lovely photo of the three of you.

    What a pretty mauve/purple you chose for your next sweater.

    God bless.

  3. Even when signed in, I once struggled to comment on blogger using my phone until I altered the privacy settings.
    That is a lovely photograph of you all. The DSA do some amazing work don't they. Xx

  4. WintersEndRambler27 March 2023 at 09:11

    Lovely knitting...I wish my knitting mojo would return x

  5. Such a wonderful happy picture of the three of you.
    It sounds like you had a really good time with your session of leading the group doing animal names. Hard work putting it together but lovely to share with your group friends.
