Monday 8 August 2022


  I rarely have nice nails in the summer, gardening and lovely nails are not normally compatible, this year all the big jobs are finished, I spend time in the garden dead-heading and picking up magnolia petals, these days I always wear gloves. I have a good selection of coloured polishes, most are years old, I keep them in a cool dark place so they are all usable, I do love this pewter shade.

This book goes to the top spot of best book read this year, from the first chapter I was hooked,  the main character is telling the story, it's interesting, funny and keeps you wanting to read more, a fantastic twist at the end, I could not put this book down. This is authors first novel, and I can't wait until her next one, book 68 read this year.

Saturday we spent loads of time in the garden, I dead-headed around the plot, hubby cleaned the birdbath, it's still water and under all the overgrown stuff along the boundary fence, the birds use it all the time. All the water used went into the ground by our Magnolia tree. I have some new bells in the garden, these don't tinkle in the wind, which I don't mind, I do love them in this spot. 

My begonias are mostly looking good, I have 2 which are very slow, just showing leaves, I do love these showy flowers, they grow from corns, and can be so very different in bloom sizes, most of them stay outside the whole year, they are tucked in pots and my raised beds.

Sunday we had our BBQ, daughter and her family came and stayed all day, sadly no paddling pool, with the drought lingering, I really could not use so much water. We ate at lunch time, all 3 children ate well and enjoyed fresh fruit afterwards, Will helped me pick raspberries and blueberries, I even found a few blackberries. They stayed later than normal, leaving about 5ish, in time to bathe them and have supper before bedtime, playing outside most of the time, our garden has different shady spots throughout the day. In the evening I started preparing my sewing for the coming week, I had 2 pairs of trousers I needed to adjust the back waist band, so I unpicked them, they are both ready to be stitched back together again. 

Today I hope to cut out Georges dungarees and the dress for Molly, I do need to adjust patterns, I have not finished the hexagons, but there is not too much hand stitching to do. Daughter is bringing Will over, and we are going to our local Bistro for lunch, George and Molly will be a nursery, so it will be fun for Will, it was his choice of what to do. Hubby is away until Thursday, I have nothing much to do at home, so I can have fun sewing. 


  1. Like you I rarely paint my nails. When I was working they often got broken and still do. When we went on holiday, I painted them for the first time in a long time. It felt nice for them to look pretty. I need to do it more often. I love your new bells. So pretty amongst the flowers.

  2. Your nails look lovely. That book sounds good, although I think there would be a few worried faces if I were to leave it lying around ;-)

    1. Hubby was watching me as I was reading it, no sure if scared or hoping for tips.

  3. Your nails look lovely, beautiful colour polish. I never seem to find time to paint mine these days either, maybe once the allotment growing is finished .
    That looks a scary book! Not one I would usually pick up.
    Lovely that you saw the family over the weekend. We couldn't because our GD developed severe tonsillitis and felt terrible.
    Maybe sometime this week as they are off school...

  4. Your nails look nice, that looks a good colour.

    All the best Jan

  5. I love that nail polish. I have terrible nails and really need to work on improving them.

    God bless.

  6. Beautful colour nail polish. I very rarely wear any myself and it usually only when D does it for me. Glad you had a good bbq on Sunday with family.

  7. I have good nails and always paint them, I love to have a manicure and treat myself when I lose weight. Looked back on your blog and noted a few of the books you've read and ordered Songbirds from the library, thank you for your views on them.
