Monday 30 May 2022

A slower time

This is a bit different for me, it's a vintage pattern, probably from the 80's, I've never made it up before, I love the colour mix in this yarn, but I wanted it lighten it a bit, so I have added the pink side panels as a contrast. I hope to do the neck and one sleeve cuff in the pink as well. The design is opposite to the pattern, I am knitting the back section.  Knitting with double knitting yarn, feels so thick, I normally knit with 4ply.
I have done a few more squares on this piece, I will finish the light green and yellow before doing the bottom section, it would be so easy to leave these colours to last, but I'm thinking it's best to get them done now. I have a plan to frame this and give it as a gift, I hope to pop to Hobbycraft next week, it's next to a huge garden centre, so we can make a day of it.
Book 45, that averages out at 9 books each month so far this year, my reading will slow down now as the summer months are here and the garden calls. Again another book I enjoyed, it did have a slower start, but he always builds the tension, I love how he uses normal people, giving their lives a twist. This is set in today's world, post covid, so many people who could be behind it, and how clever the plot ends and sorts out loose ends. Not my favourite but still a really good read. 
I have cut my bunting, firstly I cut into strips, then into V shapes using 100% cotton, 2 patterned and 3 (red, blue and white) plain, it took a while to iron them all, I only have to sew them onto the tape, I am making them so the can stay out in all weather's and be used again in the future. Here whilst cutting and before sewing. 
I've had a marvellous slow weekend, I do enjoy being home on my own, I spend Friday with daughter, George and Molly and stayed for tea and spend time with Will. I took my book to bed that night to read for ages and after making a quick coffee I lay in bed reading on Saturday morning, bliss, nothing much to do, completely lazy start to the day, just what I needed. Middle of the day I cut out the bunting, I then did some cross stitch. Nothing to do in the garden, except watch the tiny birds feed, drink and use the bird bath, both cats slept in the sunshine.  Did some more reading later, did not turn TV on and had another early night. 

Sunday, I did some more sewing on my bunting, almost finished, just have to sew it to the tape. I also took the feet off a sleep suit daughter purchased for George, it's going to be a fancy dress costume, we are all going out to a Jubilee afternoon on Thursday. Another restful day, lovely sunny warm day, cats spent most of the day outside, I love living with patio doors open and the garden so close. A neighbour popped over for a chat and coffee, sat outside in the sunshine, sadly it won't last, as the heat builds so does the cat smell from next door, so we enjoy this time of year. 

Hubby is home later this morning, again nothing planned, he will want a few days at home. I still have my sewing machine out, I will finish the bunting and sew a couple badges on hubby's motorbike jacket. I am loving this relaxed feeling, we don't live a rushed life, but doing nothing has been good for me. 


  1. I'm glad that you have managed some time to slow down and do a few creative things Marlene. The bunting and knitting are fab.
    Good too that hubby was able to spend time doing something he enjoys.
    Hope everyone is rejuvenated and that the children stay well.
    Enjoy the long weekend.

  2. I,m envious of the Hobbycraft shop and garden centre . My idea of Heaven ! I might proudly put up a bit of bunting , but that's all really . Have a lovely time at your Jubilee Afternoon 🦋

  3. Love the colour of your new knitting, and the bunting.

  4. I love the Linwood Barclay books. Every one I've read has had a good storyline and believable characters.

  5. Do enjoy your Jubilee afternoon on Thursday it sounds lovely.

  6. Slowing down is good. I hope your Jubilee afternoon is wonderful and your bunting will make it perfect.

    God bless.

  7. I've not yet read any books by Linwood Barclay, they do seem popular.

    All the best Jan
