Monday 1 March 2021

Sunny weekend

1st time sat outside with our morning coffee, the weekend was mostly outside in the day, how lovely to be able to go outside with just a warm jumper on, it felt sooooo good. 
My pots are the stars at this time of year, the yellow tulips are early as they are in the greenhouse and look wonderful, the other pots are showing great signs of growth. The pots on our small metal table have given us so much colour. 
Good enough to have the bathroom mats out on the line, they did not dry completely, but they do smell so good after a blow out on the line. The daffodils are starting to open, giving a sea of yellow in this bed.  
I have started some seeds, I hope to get some wild looking flowers in my raised bed, I love seeing daises, poppies and cornflowers all together. The chamomile are for a taller pot in my herb garden, I already have ox eyed daises in my raised bed. 
The greenhouse is still full, I have loads of tender plants I dug out last year and most have survived in here, I am hoping in April most of these will be outside. 
We had the best of weekends, we went nowhere, we saw no-one, but just being outside in the garden lifted our spirts, sunshine, birdsong and seeing signs of the garden coming back to life. We did chat to our neighbour at the back fence, it's nice to catch up with them again.

There is so much I want to do, but it's far too early in the year, sowing some seeds did help. I did plant out aquilegia plants, I grew from seeds, I hope they take so I can have some more early flowers, I have grown them before but they don't survive too long in our clay soil. I also planted my bulbs for late summer plants, dotting them around the plot and a white lavender, grown from a cutting last year. I moved a few pots around, checked my rhubarb, I'm not sure if it will grow this year, I have covered it with a big pot, everything crossed it does come back. 

I have sore scratched hands, lost a couple of nail tips, but I care not, I can't explain how an hour in the sunshine in the garden is so rewarding, both hubby and I can always find things to do. We both slept much better the past couple of nights. It's another blue sky morning, not as warm as the past few days, we hope to go for a walk later as we start our weight loss again. 


  1. It's lovely to sit out in the warm sunshine again isn't it, my pots are lovely too with tete-a-tete daffodils starting to bloom. I hope your wild flowers come up well I'm always disappointed when I sew the seeds as hardly any of them come through. Have a lovely week.

  2. Lovely to be able to sit out and enjoy the garden. It´s very satisfying growing from seeds and your own cuttings. My seeds seem to be taking a long time to germinate, perhaps they are passed their best xcx

  3. It's lovely to see some sunshine. So many people here out yesterday mowing their lawns.

  4. We sat out in the garden too yesterday. What a joy to get out there. One sweet pea seed germinated in the greenhouse. Hope it is not going to be just the one.

  5. It's been such a bonus having some lovely weather so early in the year. I'm not a fan of February as it's usually the coldest month so I've enjoyed being able to get out for some walks whilst the sun has been shining. I've started to notice the days getting longer now and we'll be putting the clocks forward at the end of the month, I'm looking forward to that.

  6. Hasn't the weather been glorious, so enjoyable.

    All the best Jan

  7. I am very glad that you got to enjoy the nice weather in your garden. Nothing beats fresh air for restoring the soul.

    God bless.

  8. I used to love watching the garden burst back into life - not that ours ever died completely as we didn't get cold enough. I watched the first autumn leaves come fluttering off a tree today. Always so strange that we have opposite seasons!
    Take care and keep enjoying your garden :) xx
