Thursday 4 February 2021

Keeping busy

 I collected these book from the library, these will be my February read, last month I read 5 out of the six books, I hope to read most of these. On my January count, I said I had read 5 books, but in fact I read 2 more books before the library ones, so my total read for January was 7 books. I have 3 books on my Kindle, as these library books won't be read for a few days, just to be safe and not handling them. 

I enjoyed this book, I spent most of Wednesday reading, it did not stop raining for most of the day, I enjoyed the story line, another different plot, I do enjoy when the storyline is unique, book 8 this year. 

I have finished my sleeves on my jumper, I sat and worked out the 2nd sleeve and it looked better, so I unpicked the 1st sleeve, about 20 rows and now they match. I am pleased the design on the sleeves match the design on the body, they sit together, I find it much easier knitting a neck down jumper for ensuring things match. Just have to finish the body now, and stitch in any ends. 

I have decided on yarn for another pair of socks for my SIL, his pair I made him for Christmas is always on his feet or in the wash, daughter would like him to have a couple more pairs, and he does love colourful socks. I have ordered bright orange for the top, heel and toes, and some matching colours for the blue/brown yarn. Hopefully my jumper will be finished before the yarn arrives. 

The 2 blooms on my 2nd Amaryllis has faded, the 3 buds are doing nothing, this was the expensive bulb and it has produced a poor plant. The cheap Lidl bulb was much better, the bulb from last year only gave me leaves. I have been reading up on how to make these regrow, so my challenge is to try and get blooms off each bulb later this year. 
I have not done anymore project's this week, I am still smiling from the photo collage in my previous post, but my hexagons have been on my mind for ages and maybe, I might start on them, I did have a ridiculous idea, but it was huge and really not some thing I would want to start, but it does keep floating into my thoughts. 

Today is another dull grey day, but it's not raining and we have had no snow or ice, the ground is very wet, so outside gardening is off, I have got all my packets of flower seeds inside, I have far too many, I will sort them today, some I will sow and raise plants just for me, the rest I will mix together and sprinkle over the beds, to see if any grow, most will disappear in our clay soil. 

Hubby got his jab this week, I will have to wait as I am younger than him and my group is not in the main 4, our local surgery is a hub and they have everything worked out well, nobody needs to wait outside in the rain, they have taken over the front section of the surgery, where the nurses work. If you have to see a doctor they now have the entrance at the back door through to reception, never mixing with the Covid people. Sad news this week as Captain Sir Tom Moore became another death in this pandemic, another bright light dimmed, we all enjoyed his moment of fame in the spring, he was the right person at the right time to help lift everyone, and not just here in the UK. 


  1. The amaryllis that I bought from Tesco has produced just one bud and no leaves, which is strange. I'm looking forward to it opening.

  2. I've admired your jumper as your work has progressed and it's really nice, I do like the sleeves with the pink cuff.

  3. I haven't read any of the author's you've got from the library this week, it's fun seeing the books they choose for you. They don't do that here but you can order and collect the books you want. Yes, it was very sad about Captain Tom. I'm glad that his final year was memorable for him, he achieved so much.

  4. Your choice of books look interesting, I've written down the titles to see if the library have any. Your jumper is incredible, I will dream one day that I may be able to achieve something similar. What an amazing 100th year Capt Tom had. He deserved the recognition.

  5. Wow, lovely work on your jumper.

    Anne Cleeves is one of my favourite authors.

    God bless.
