Sunday 25 October 2020

Happiness is....

I'm knitting 4 huge squares, I used 120 stitches to make this square and I intend to make 4 and sew them together, once I see how they look sewn, I can decide the next step, this is just a bit of fun.
I loved this book, it was a great storyline, I really did not want to put it down, I have loved every book by this author.  I have The Escape to read next, I found a few books in our local charity shop. This being my 67th book read this year. 
Hubbies new toy, he is really pleased with it, it's a smaller bike than his old one, but it still has the chrome he loves, and it's still the 'bike' look he loves, this one is a Triumph.
How lovely to see flowers on this plant in our downstairs bathroom, I cut the plant in half earlier this year, I did not want this to become a huge plant, the other half is not doing so well, but I think I have saved it, at the moment it is in my greenhouse. 

Friday was a lazy day, I did some knitting, and a few bits around the house, hubby was outside alot, checking and getting to know his bike. I did post the card to Spain, and take the shoes to the charity bin, so another nice walk, it was more over caste, but mainly dry after the rain in the night.

Saturday we had Will for a sleepover, he is the happiest little man, we had homemade pizza for tea, and homemade carrot cake,  did some Strickly dancing before bed. Sunday morning was fun, no too early start, he's off soon  to Grandpa's for lunch. 

 Happiness is fleeting at the moment, we are still in the lower tier, but rates are rising in larger towns just north of where we live, no where near the levels in the North, but the figures are rising and its scary. We have done very little this year, summer in our garden was good, but now with so many cold and wet days, we are inside together, we do get on well, but we need the company of other people, but most of our friends are staying at home, it's the strangest of times, without any idea of when it will end. I try not to think too much, my anxiety levels are up and down, I fear so much. 


  1. I know how you feel about the anxiety. My friends daughter who had breast cancer a few years ago tested positive for covid on Thursday. My friend is fraught worrying about her daughter, she herself is quarantined. It all makes it very real.

  2. Love the squares. Our numbers are way up here in the US and I fear for my family who has to go to work and school. It is showing here today, our first snow of the season. It will not amount to much but it is nice to just look our the window at it and know winter is here.

  3. I'm worried too. I live in a tier 1 area but rates are rising in adjoining districts. I'm staying in seclusion - I don't want to be another statistic. Look after yourself.
    PS I've started on the book.

  4. Awww I'm sure Will had a wonderful sleepover with you.
    Homemade pizza and homemade carrot cake sounds delicious.

    All the best Jan

  5. It's hard not to worry, I think everyone thought we would see an end to it by now but it doesn't look like it's going to get any better before the end of the year. Christmas is going to be very different this year, but I think all of Europe is more or less the same as us, with the same restrictions, they are doing no better or worse than we are. Love hubby's bike, my ex husband used to have a Bonneville and a Trident and I loved them, there used to be loads of us out on bikes back then, not sure I would feel safe on a bike on the roads now though. They do bring back happy memories though.

  6. Wow, that square is just lovely. It would be a great way to use up orphan balls of yarn.

    God bless.

  7. I am sure you are not alone with your anxiety. So far, here in NZ, we have been fairly safe but the virus is still here and I fear it is creeping around the community waiting for the right time to break out uncontrollably. The powers-that-be do not tell us all that is going on, they just say to continue with tracking our whereabouts and be kind to each other!

  8. It's hard not to be anxious. I've got a two year old grand daughter, and I really cannot tell you when I'll see her again. They change so much at this age, and I'm feeling as if I'm missing it all! Our nation is in crisis right now. Unfortunately, it is not only covid.
