Thursday 8 October 2020

Blooming lovely

Bette's hair is growing, it's taking it's time, but I'm happy waiting. 
I cut this plant in half, this section sitting on my bathroom window sill is doing well, flower buds already, the other half is in the greenhouse on damage limitation, I hope I can keep it alive.  This plant is a much better size for this spot. 
My amaryllis bulb I found in the shed with a small leaf tip, so I planted it, but sadly I am only growing 4 leaves. I let this one go to seed last year, and have 5 plants from the seed, so I was not expecting too much this year. 
I have treated myself to a new bulb, I never have any luck getting a flower the 2nd year. The pot in front is a birthday gift from my daughter, she saw me looking at it at a garden centre and asked if I would like it as my birthday present, my birthday is not until November (6 weeks away), but she got it whilst it was there, I do love the pot, it's a good size. 
This African violet flowers most of the year, it's a sunny spot here, they are tiny pretty white flowers. I do nothing to this plant, just some water now and then, I have tried rooting the leaves, I can always get the roots to grow, but never successful in getting a plant to grow. 
My coffer plant is looking good, I have moved it away from the radiator, and into a shady part of the dining end of the room, it's getting rather huge, I am hoping to get flowers one day, can't see me ever growing coffee beans. 
 All day our cats sleep, we changed the sitting room to our winter setting, clearing the space in front of the radiator, which is now the best spot for the cat baskets, it's near the patio doors so they can watch the birds in the garden. 
The rain slowed down for a couple of days, which is a relief, I do always feel the need to do something in the garden, it's healing for me, this week I have potted up a couple of geraniums, they are in the greenhouse in hope I can use them again next year. I have also moved 2 white begonia's to the raised bed by our kitchen door, I have red ones there which come up every summer, I am hoping the white ones survive the winter, if it gets really cold I do have a cover for this bed. I will leave planting the 3 pots along the side of the house and the 2 long pots in front of the raspberry bed until next week, my plants are still a bit smaller than I like. I have planted some of my forget-me-nots in hope they survive the slugs and winter. 

We popped to a garden centre on Tuesday, I got a few things, hubby for once spent more than me, he purchased some heathers and ericaceous compost, he has a lovely pot he wants to plant up. We did get a few things for Christmas, I have started a box, this garden centre has more up market foods, so we were able to pick up a few special things. 

Wednesday we had Will and George for a few hours, Will ate pizza in the garden, and looked for bugs, Will loves bug hunting, I am always lifting pots for him to look under. It was a lovely warmish sunny time, George had his nap and was safely inside for a couple of hours. 

I have my new Amaryllis to pot up, and I have some Hyacinth bulbs to pop into my birthday pot, daughter is happy for me to start it, I will keep it in the dark and warm for weeks to come, we don't have an airing cupboard here. The tulips which came with the pot I will plant outside. 


  1. I love to see a nice full Amaryllis they look so exotic don't they. Plants have been my gift of choice for the past few years.It makes it easy for Alexander and Beckah to buy me something in whatever price bracket they can afford. Is the top plant 'string of pearls'. It's on my wish list.

    1. Yes it's string of pearls, I now have 5 plants, o love them so much.

  2. I have only ever grown amaryllis once and it was a 4headed beauty but the bulb didn't keep well. I must treat myself again.

  3. I usually put an amaryllis bulb on my Christmas list, it's a good stocking filler and I always enjoy growing them. We had a lot of rain during the night, it kept me awake but I'd rather it came then than during the day.

  4. I forgot about my amaryllis last year and it didnt do very well, they are beautiful and I love to watch how quickly they grow. My Christmas cactus needs repotting I bought it last year so I hope I'll get flowers

  5. Happy plants, happy kitties, happy gardeners! Have a happy day :)

  6. Your cats look so snug! The coffee plant has such a gorgeous green foliage :)
