Thursday 27 August 2020

Shopping again

We popped into town quickly, we never wander around anymore, just to the shops we require and then back home, life for retail stores must be horrible, not much passing trade. Hubby needed to pop to Boots (chemist) so I went into Wilko's and got the rest of my bulbs plus one, I don't like Iris, never had, but Monty's bowl of small flowers looked lovely earlier in the year, so I decided it would be nice to add blue to my spring pots. Seeds were less then £1 each, bargain. 
My circular needles have arrived, I can't get this brand in local shops, I find them perfect to use. I do purchase Pony brand for straight needles from a local shop, I've never had an issue, but in truth most of the needles I knit with are years old, and marked with the old sizes not metric. 
This is the difference, I find the Pony ones have a bit of a lump at the base of the needle and the plastic whist soft often twist, I do have problems with the stitches bunching before the join, and difficult to get on the needles. The top set, Addi, is all metal and nickle free (I have an allergy to nickle), the points are nicer and I find them comfortable to hold if knitting for a long time. I have not been sponsored, just my views. The pony set is longer than the 2 new sets, so I will keep it just in case. 
These were on sale, the last 3 balls, they are brighter than this photo shows, they match in fiber and weight the Baby Merino I already have, so what to do with them.....
I saw this blanket on the internet, and I love it, ideas are forming in my head, shades of pink and white, and the yarn above, I will try and find the pattern, but in truth I can work it out.
I got a copy of this book second hand, I very rarely purchase new books these days, it's another gripping plot, a big read with 690 pages, the plot is extreme but enjoyable. This being my 59th book read this year. 
Thank you so much for your kind comments on my last post, family is everything, I love to be with our grandsons, sadly 4 live a few hours drive away and not in the same direction. We don't get to see them as often as we would like,  we are not fit enough to have them for longer stays without parents, older boys wear us out quickly. It is extremely rare to see all 8 of them together, as with larger families at gatherings, there will always be someone unable to attend. These days families are spread about the country and the world, it's great to see everyone doing so well, but as we get older the desire to drive longer journeys so often is on the wane. 

I have my brother staying for the rest of the week, he had driven up from Somerset, he stayed with his daughter for the 1st half of the week. We are hoping for a BBQ, with youngest daughter, her hubby, Will and George on Saturday, my brother does love a family gathering, sadly we do need to keep this one small. Will loves uncle Martin and is already excited to know he is visiting.

Have you noticed how quickly it gets dark, we are turning more lights on each evening, the cooler weather is getting closer. We are being promised another hot September, so I will keep everything crossed, it's far to early in the year to pack my sandals away.


  1. The majority of my knitting needles are KnitPro Zings, I have full sets of straight, dpns and interchangeable circulars, but I knit socks on addis when I'm using magic loop as they've got a nice flexible cable. Enjoy your time with your brother, I agree, family is important and I think you realise this more and more the older you get.

  2. Hope you get to have your BBQ and enjoy your brother's visit :)

  3. I'm hoping for at least one more warm week next week as we're going away for a few days. After that I don't mind what the weather does, save for not too much rain.

  4. I am wearing my sandals regardless of the weather! Yes getting dark earlier. We are sitting in the lounge for an hour instead of carrying on gardening now.

  5. It sure does get dark early now. The mornings I am out for my walk are almost cold. Sweats are my go to clothing for that right now.

    God bless.
