Tuesday 4 August 2020

Meet Bette

I have loved this plant pot for months, but at £39.99 it was too expensive, I'm just tight, I looked at other heads, but always came back to this one, so imagine my pleasure when I saw it on sale for £19.99, half price, still expensive, but I just wanted her to be mine, hubby said get it, so I did.
I have named her Bette, I already have Kirt, and I always loved Bette Davis movies, she was a brilliant actress and oh so dramatic. 
Nice sized planting area
I always knew what I would grow in her head, I love string of pearls, these won't take long to start to grow, I want loads of thick green hair. . 
I had added more soil and food to this pot, 
but the pearls were looking very pale. 
Now with a trim,
they will grow back
For now sat in the greenhouse.
I broke a strand of peals off about a week ago, and popped them into this pot, they are already turning a darker green and tiny shoots are forming. 
I am always happy to wait for things to reduce in price and I buy loads second hand, I am lucky it's not a need to watch my spending, I just see so much overpriced things, often I wait and decide I don't want or need it. She is a pottery head, so no plastic, but I will have to be careful I don't chip or crack her, she has a drainage hole so I will have to becareful once I bring her inside.  


  1. She's beautiful - she looks like she's dreaming! She immediately reminded me of the dreamy faces in this artist's work: www.facebook.com/kellymooncraft
    Looking forward to seeing her hair grow!

  2. I just love Bette. I'm with you there about waiting for the prices to come down before buying. Things are so overpriced, I think, to make people feel they're getting a bargain when the price comes down. A bargain is different for everyone, but I think you got a bargain with Bette. Best, Jane x

  3. I think she might be an acquired taste, lol Although I'm sure she will be easier on the eye when she has some hair ha ha ha ;-)

  4. Oh that's a wonderful planter. Well done with the good deal!

  5. So pleased you were able to get Bette, such a good buy.

    All the best Jan

  6. Bette is beautiful and I hope she has lots of lovely hair very soon.

    God bless.

  7. String of pearls should make beautiful hair for her :)
