Saturday 22 August 2020

Crafting time

The skirt of the baby dress is done, I have decreased the stitches and now have to bodice to knit, but my circular needles are too big, I can't get the brand I love using locally so I am waiting for an order to come, hopefully today or Monday. 
The decrease section was done in one row followed by garter stitch with a row of loops holes in the middle, I now have more pattern to do. 
I have finished my 1st grey sock, I decided at the last moment to knit the toes in the pale grey, I had intended to knit them in the darker grey. I just have the toes to finish and a few ends to stitch in. 
This is the most amazing honest book I have ever read, a story of the preschool years of Oscar's life, making sense of everything Downs Syndrome can bring. What people (some professional), friends, strangers can utter is unbelievable. The thoughts of a mum on a long unknown journey. It's the feelings from a mum who has a son with a label, how she chooses to live her life. Full of love, fun and hope within a family. 
My daughter was passed this book from another mum, and my daughter suggested I should read it as well. It's not a suggestion of how our George will grow and behave, but it does give so many answers to thoughts swirling around my head. I did ask my daughter have I said anything stupid or thoughtless to her, or please let those thoughts have stayed in my head. She has a couple time corrected me, but I've not said anything to hurt her. The hardest word is 'normal' what is normal, no 2 children are the same, they develop within guidelines, it's a concept not spoken here.

George was 9 months old this week, we like every other family feel blessed to have a baby in our lives, already we can see differences, but he also has some strong determined actions, he will hold food and feed himself. When Will is playing he watches him and can roll around the floor to get to his toys, when sat on our lap he will rock until you sing row, row the boat, he will develop at his own pace, but already we can see his sweet personality shining through. 

We have done very little in the past few days, it has been so very windy here and with all the plants, trees in full leaf they have been thrashing about, it's still warm, we have had some rain most nights, so no watering duties. We are picking loads of blackberries, most are in the freezer to enjoy through the colder months. I did sow some more seeds, aquilegia and sweet peas, and I have found all the spring bulb pots and they have been cleaned, having the greenhouse to work in, is just brilliant.

We are picking Will up after lunch for a sleep over, just Will as we all feel it's important for him to have his time and space with us, last time he slept over was way back in February, he slept over with grandma and Grandpa last Saturday. We have promised to make pizza's so he can add his toppings. so it's going to be a toy day here, it's not nice enough to walk to the park. 

I have stopped watching the TV news again, I am really fed up with so many people complaining 'it's not fair' I have always grown up with the feeling life is not fair, we have to make the best and in these strange times, life is different, no government can save everything and everyone, we already have horrendous national debt. As my dear mum would always say, 'pull your socks up and get on with it' 



  1. I don't watch the news either, there are always people ready to complain and want to blame the Government for everything. We will have to pay for all of this and I wonder how quickly people will forget all the monitory help the Government has given when it's pay-back time.
    George has loving parents and supportive and loving grandparents so he is already a very lucky little boy, he always looks so happy in the photos you post.
    That little dress is going to be so pretty :-)
    Have a good weekend x

  2. You attitude is perfect, my mother used to be the same with me over my son and its just the perfect attitude x


  3. It didn't take you long to get that far on the dress, I love knitting baby garments, they seem to knit up so fast compared to adult garments. That sounds like a lovely book. Sometimes people can say things without thinking, it doesn't mean as much to them because they're not living in that scenario, it's only when something like Downs Syndrome comes into your life that it takes on a different meaning as it's something you're actually living with. I agree, all children are individuals and they all develop at their own pace. Enjoy your evening with Will.

  4. It looks like you have been very busy. It sounds like your worry about how you are coping with George is needless. It’s also good to hear he is developing well in his own time. Enjoy your time with big brother Will.

  5. The knitted dress is beautiful. I love the colour.

    God bless.
