Monday 31 August 2020

August roundup

I popped in 3 yarn orders, I have a few projects in mind, not cheap, but keeps me out of trouble, unless I visit the yarn sites too often. I have sold my loom and have factored in the amount to reduce my spending, last year I added the cost into this list, so I feel it's right to show the selling price as a refund. Gardening is much better than recent months, I have got loads of spring bulbs for my pots. I am hoping my total spend is less than last year, so it gives me a base for reducing again next year. I still spent £166.72 this month, my list is not really about saving money, I do it so I can see where I am spending the most. 

I have purchased clothes twice this month, £82.00 spent on 2 pairs of knee length shorts and 2 pairs of cropped trousers. I have chucked out some shorts, they were very scruffy. I have spent about £130 on clothes and shoes so far this year, I should not need anything else, I still have plenty in my wardrobe. Most of the brands I love have loads on sale, so it is a good time to replace items. 

I have been sorting my sewing boxes in the attic and found one summer dress and 2 hubby shirts all packed away to use the fabrics, but now both of us being slimmer, they have been washed and are back in our wardrobes, nice bonus. We have also sold items stored in the attic and never used, a bonus income. I sold my dressmaking dummy, I have not used it in years, so a few more pounds towards my hobbies, I won't show it in this list, I was purchased years before I started recording my spending. 

Cat's finally got the check up and annual injections, £120 the vet prices never stop going up, and if we don't have this done our insurance is void. Pleasing to know both cats are well and Grace for her age (15) is brilliant. 

We only had one big Asda shop delivered here, I have popped to Lidl's a few times and we get fresh fruit and veg from our local Co-op, so still spending a fair amount on food. Our waste is almost nothing, any off cuts from veg goes to my worms, we are watching our use of water. 

Our electric bill is going to be higher, having fans working day and night for a week and the extra laundry, it all adds up, but for a decent style of living in the very hot days, these things need to be used. 

We had earth overshoot day this month, it's the day we note we have used the renewable resources of our planet, so anything we take from the earth for the rest of the year won't be renewed, Covid19 has pushed the date back a few days, but year on year we consume more. It should be top of every countries news, but it passes without many people knowing, our world is profit before health.


  1. I admire your keeping track of your spending. My husband, who takes care of our finances, would love it if I spent less. I totally agree about the cost of vet bills. Unbelievable! Lucy's last surgery that she's had twice within a year for the same thing (to remove a growth) was astronomically expensive! But, we grin and bear it because our pets are precious to us! Enjoy the rest of your Summer.💖

  2. It's such a shame that you had to sell your loom but at least the money can be used for other things, it's better than it being stuck there unused. We pay a monthly amount to our vets for Archie, it covers two health checks each year, his booster jabs, monthly worm and flea treatment, amongst other things, it gives us a good saving on the cost it would be otherwise. Worth checking out if your vets do something similar.

  3. I agree with you about earth overshoot day. I didn't even know it had been and gone, there's no mention of it anywhere.

  4. Good luck with your spring bulbs. It always seems strange planting them in autumn, but they are always so welcome when they begin to flower :)
