Tuesday 31 March 2020

March roundup

I purchased a huge pot, which I have filled with plants I already had, I stocked up on garden compost. I have been knitting using my stash, but I placed a small order, and was reading library books. I spent £21 on underwear, I popped to an M&S outlet, perfect for my smaller size, I will need more. The second half of the month we did not go out.

With all the health issues regarding Coronavirus, we have spent more time at home, we often have a good stock of everything in, so no panic buying here, our bank balance is better for staying in. I plan to spend time in our garden.

We did have more waste food the weekend our grandson were here, it's hard to explain to them to only ask for what they want, they are at the age where they leave food at every meal, and it's not our place to make them take less and eat it all. We did buy extra items, which we ate ourselves in the following week. We are now ensuring we waste nothing, and eating items left over from Christmas, loved our 1st of 2 puddings and enjoying a tin of lovely biscuits.

The new boiler has brought our gas usage down, we turn electrical things off, I don't like anything on standby, so our bills are much lower, plus as part of the deal for the new boiler, we had a £200 credit on our gas bill. The recent weather has helped, using the heating less.

All these thoughts tie in with Overshoot day, it the calculated day when we have used all the renewable energy, produce, ect in each country, every year the date gets sooner to Jan 1st. Read more here, our predicted day is May 16th.


  1. I think we should all be spending less being at home, though the heating bills will probably shoot up for those who are usually out at work all day.

  2. We're certainly saving money being at home and not spending anything. Even our grocery shopping bill is less.

  3. I also find it hard not to say something when grand-daughter leaves food or won't eat something. Hopefully it is just a stage - but it will probably last until she has to pay for it!
    My spending for March was almost non-existent. I guess there has to be some advantage in having to stay at home :)

  4. I think that this month should be a bit better on the pocketbook. I am hopeful that soon I will not be going to the city to help out Kris quite as much. Perhaps every second week instead of every 8 or so days.

    God bless.
