Friday 13 March 2020

Almost, No gone.

Just the final sleeve to finish
 I love the look of this, but the front band is not looking right, I had already picked up more stitches than the pattern stated, but it's still pulling the sides. 
 The neck is low at the back, the nape does not sit right. 
 But I do love this design
 Decision made, I love the cardi, but the neck sits far too low and the button bands are not long enough, I know I can fix these issues, but only one way, yes unpick the lot. 
 Ready to start, I do have an unused 
ball of yarn, so I'm ready to go.
It's neck down, so again that's where I have started, I need to make this section longer in the nape of the neck.

I am not thinking about the hours I have used to make this cardi, but the yarn is just so beautiful, an OK garment just won't do. I did have a few doubts as I was knitting, but thought the collar would sort it. I normally wear Petite tops, and when knitting I often knit a few less rows, I followed this pattern and knitted all stated, so it is a disappointment, to have to unpick. 
We are not planning to do much in the coming weeks, we have this weekend driven to Somerset to see my family, we will drive home on Monday, so I will have loads of time to knit, read and relax. 
We are getting a bit worried regarding this Coronavirus, it's coming closer to us, both hubby and I have siblings who are 70+ and have the normal age related illness, and there is also baby George, he is doing well, over 10lbs, he has not been in hospital for a few weeks, but his breathing is still weaker than we would like, hubby is also on the at risk list. The south east has the 2nd biggest outbreak, a village surgery (not ours) was closed for deep clean this week. 
So after this weekend away, we have no plans, stay at home, I have returned the library books,  and plan to read books on my iPad for a few weeks. 
Not scare mongering, just being sensible, taking care, hope you all stay safe over the next weeks, life feels very surreal at the moment.  


  1. That's such a shame, but at least you get to knit the beautiful yarn again. Daniel and Jasmine have just had to cancel their flights to Colorado because of the Coronavirus, she hasn't seen her family since Christmas 2018. They were supposed to be going in three weeks but they're now hoping to go later on in the year.

  2. That is frustrating when it just isn't quite right. The colors are very lovely indeed!

  3. Stay safe and take care. At least you will have plenty of knitting to do :)

  4. When something is not quite right, you know you wouldn’t be happy with it. Your yarn is beautiful and your cardi will be lovely. Well done on your patience!

  5. Oh dear, I really don't like it when things just don't knit up right. How frustrating.

    God bless.

  6. No good if you are not happy with the fit is it, I would have undone it too.
    We all have to be sensible right now and do what is right for each of us. We are both at risk so taking things one day at a time and staying put.
    Take care, enjoy your visit x

  7. Love the colour of your yarn, pity you had to unpick but if you are not happy with it.....

    Julie xxxxxxx

  8. Sometimes there's nothing for it but to unravel and begin again. When it is right, you will be pleased with it and enjoy it much more. Staying home seems like a good decision for you and your husband. You'll have time to knit and read amongst other things. Keep well. MegXx

  9. I think we all have to be sensible right now …
    Keep and stay well.

    All the best Jan
