Saturday 19 October 2019

Getting better

These have kept me occupied this week, I went to our local library on Thursday, I have finished 2, 
The Rumour was brilliant, loved this book
Sleep - I also enjoyed
Left Jodi Picoult to last, I have never read a poor book by her.
These are all fastbacks and have to be read and returned within 2 weeks.
 These I can keep for up to 4 weeks and extend the loan time if I wish, but they will be finished quickly, I do read quick, and I do have loads of reading time. 
Thank you so much for all your kind comments, I know I should have gone to a walk in center at the time of the accident, but Will was here, hubby was full of cold, and I could not drive myself. My hands are much better, the blisters are slowly disappearing, they have not broken, at some point I know the dead skin will break away. I thought I had only burnt my right hand, but my left finger tips are also very tender, so I am being very careful.
My leg is very sore, I did have blisters here, but they are again settling down, I am watching the area daily, if it changes I will get to see my doctor, at the time, I thought I had been lucky and the burns were not too bad, but as the days have gone by, I can see my delicate skin was burnt more than I thought. I love skinny trousers, they are so comfortable, but became hell to get off at the time of the accident.
I am not accident prone, infact I have very few accidents, even when working in the garden I am able to avoid cuts and bruises, but in a blink of an eye things change.
All it had done this week is rain, which helps as I can't go outside, but I did manage an hour in the greenhouse, wearing gloves to protect my hands, I watered all my plants.
It's a dry sunny morning, but other than picking up leaves, we have no plans to be outside, the ground is very wet.
I have been making plans in my head for crafting, but I have not picked anything up as yet.
I did finish the second series of The Crown from netfix, which I totally enjoyed.
It's that time of year again, the fireworks have already started!


  1. You must be so sore, Marlene. Please do go to the doctor if there's any signs of infection or inflammation. We're very fortunate here as it's a very rural farming area - no fireworks, other than distant ones on Bonfire night from the big caravan park.

  2. I'm glad to hear your scalds are getting better. It's advised that any burn over the size of 50p should be checked out. I know we don't like to burden the NHS with trivial things, but burns aren't trivial. Take care. Best, Jane x

  3. What an awful accident you've had, I should imagine it will take some time for all the blisters and soreness to go. I'm really looking forward to the next series of The Crown, I think it's due out next month. The fireworks have started here too, I think Sainsbury's are doing the right thing putting a ban on selling them. I don't mean to sound grumpy about them but they go on for ever these days and they terrify animals.

  4. Really glad you are a bit better. I hate fireworks. We can't walk our old collie after about 3pm from now until after New Year he is so frightened. Keep reading until you completely heal. xx

  5. Yes, accidents do happen so fast. I'm glad you are recovering but good to hear you are keeping an eye on things. Burns need time to heal properly so they don't get infected at all. Take care, Margaret.

  6. Really, keep a close eye out for any infection and get to a hospital right away.

    God bless.

  7. Accidents happen in the blink of an eye don't they!
    Sorry to read about your accident, hope everything continues to heal well, but any doubts perhaps get an appointment at your Dr's.

    In the meantime with the weather being so wet and windy, stay indoors and read a good book or two :)

    All the best Jan

  8. I have a big burn on my arm were I lent on the iron, its really painful so you have my sympathy. I've slowed up on the reading recently as I'm knitting and binge watching Downton. I am listening to an Audio Book and enjoying it.
