Friday 25 October 2019

Colour everywhere

This new raised bed has looked perfect all summer, I have not added anything since I created it, it is under planted with loads of spring bulbs, I am not touching this bed until the frost come. 
 Another nice selection, my bonsai acer has lost all it's leaves, but is still healthy.
 Rose buds, and so much colour in the garden.
I will soon pack all the birds in my shed for the winter.

 I don't expect these leaves to be here much longer. 
 This is the 1st year for this planting in my sink and I have been very pleased with it, next spring I will reduce the grasses, as I don't want them taking over here. 
 It's such a shame this shrub from our neighbours garden has been cut back, I loved it when it grew over my shed. But it was top heavy and it's more important to ensure the plant survives. 
Hubby picked up all the leaves and stuff off the lawn and around the garden, which immediately made it look tidy again, I am not cutting anything back as yet, I am very pleased with the colour.
I did purchase some purple tulips to plant, but I am waiting for a plant in a pot to die back a bit more, I am not removing the plant, I will add compost and plant the bulbs in the same pot.
I have very little to do, I did have a plan, which has been shelved, at this moment I'm not sure if I will do it next year, or rethink my outside raised bed by the greenhouse. This is the only spot in the garden which is not producing, it was made for cut flowers, but for the 2nd year has failed. I am not going to think about how much I have spent on cut flowers for the house this year, but it is much more than it should be.
I am beginning to do craft again, I have done loads to baby George's cot blanket, it will be finished next week. I am pulling out all the material so I can make Christmas gifts with my sewing machine.
We will walk to our library today to get more books, I have finished all five books, but I will only get a couple of books this time.
We have Will staying for 2 nights, Saturday and Sunday, so I won't be doing much over the weekend, we never plan much as we let Will decide what he wants to do, and spend time having fun with him. With baby George due in 4 weeks, it's the last chance for mummy and daddy to get some time together, they are away for the 2 days, being a couple again.


  1. Your garden is beautiful Marlene, so much colour. I've pretty much neglected my front garden this year, as husband was doing so much digging up of part of the lawn and relaying paths and new patio areas. I'll look forward to redoing it all next Spring, am already planning new plants I want for next year.

  2. There's still plenty going on in your garden even at this late stage in the season. Enjoy your weekend with Will, how lovely for his mum and dad to have some time together before the new baby arrives.

  3. Looking really colourful for this time of the year.

  4. Love all your flowers. The colour of the dahlia is most unusual. Great you are able to get back into crafting again. Enjoy your weekend with young Will :)

  5. Your garden is still looking so lush and colourful. I still have geraniums and the occasional flower opens in the beds. My dahlias seem to have disappeared this year :( It's been very wet or just plain damp and grey here. Have a lovely time with Will. Best, Jane x
